Let's Make A Deal

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It's a month into the summer and everybody is settled in perfectly. Grunkle Stan temporarily took over the Mystery Shack due to Soos thinking the original Man of Mystery should return. Waddles has stuck to Mabel again even though it was only three months. Dipper created a new journal of his own, its dark blue, with a light blue pine tree in the center labelled 1, with a silver binding. Ford and Dipper often go out finding new creatures, many left over from Weirdmegaddon; Ford never created another journal since Dipper has started to write in his own.

Both sets of twins were going for a hike through some woods none of them have seen before. When they all decided to rest for a moment, they sat on a long fallen log. As they sat, everything surrounding them quickly was washed over in black and white.

"Hey?! What's going on!?" Mabel yelped, starting to get scared. She looked over to Grunkle Stan who simply shrugged and looked at his brother. 

Ford looked him in the eye, his face in a stoic manner, "Bill".

"Aaaawh, you already guessed it! There goes my surprise!" An unseen voice booms. "You guys missed me didn't ya! Admit it, you missed me!" A black triangle formed in the sky, which swfitly changed into the Bill Cipher the Pines family recognizes.

"Bill! How, what! We defeated you!" Ford yelled out in shock.

"Aw, sixer. You're cute! You didn't know? I thought good ole Stanley would tell you, or even Pinetree!" Bill taunted, poofing up a chair and sitting down in it. The family stared at him in confusion, and his eye went flat. "Really? You don't remember, Fez? When you shattered me in your mind? You either forgot or thought it was gibberish I guess" He shrugged and twirled his cane from where he sat. "As I told you! A-X-O-L-O-T-L, my time has come to burn. I invoke the ancient power that I may return. Yeah, ring a bell Pinetree?" He mocked as the realization spread over the boy's face.

"So that WAS you!" Dipper yelled at Bill, who rolled his eye.


"What? What are you talking about Dipper?" Ford questioned.

"I dreamed that some mystery voice was saying that. I assumed it was a normal nightmare so I didn't think much of it." Dipper explained, gesturing with his hands.

"Enough chit-chat" Bill interrupted with a sigh, "I'm trying this whole Weirdmageddon thing again, and this time I plan to succeed" He snapped and the chair was gone, "And by getting you four out of the way first, I'm sure to win!" He clapped his hands as if in joy, and the four were caught up in chains at there wrists and ankles, the chains seemingly going up forever. Enlarging himself, he pointed his finger at the family as if trying to choose. "Now, which should I destroy first?'

"None of us?!" Mabel shouted.

His eye going flat again, clearly not amused "It's a rhetorical question Shooting Star" He paused then started to point at the humans separately. "Eenie,  Meenie, Min-" Bill said menacingly as he was focusing his blue burning finger in front of Mabel.

"Wait!" Dipper yelled out desperately, everybody else stopping the struggle to get free from the chains, "I want to make a deal". 

Bill floated in front of Dipper, shrinking down in size. "Huh, the sapling has gotten brave, has he? Well then, what is it?" Bill asked, a curious tone in his voice.

"Kid what are you doing!" Grunkle Stan yelled at Dipper, for Bill to snap and a piece of duct tape to cover his mouth.

Dipper glanced over, then back at Bill "First off you let my family go, safely. Second, you DON'T start Weirdmageddon up again." Dipper continued.

"Hmm.... In trade for, what exactly?" Bill asked, slanting himself, "That's a preeeetty big trade ya know".

"You can do as you will with me," The boy finished, staring back into Bills eye. Worst deal ever, why would he agree to that? He could torture anybody else if he wanted, I'm not special. What do I say now...

"What are you?! Crazy?! Dipper, you can't do this!" Ford yelled at Dipper, eyes wide in terror. Grunkle Stan looked at Ford, then Dipper, grunting and trying to rip the tape off without his hands.

Bill turned around, his body flashed to pictures of chains, a red substance on the floor, and what simply looked to be a pool of milk to the younger twins. Contemplating for a moment, Bill returned back to normal and turned around to face Dipper. "It's a deal kid!" Bill announced while engulfing his left hand in blue flames, Dippers left wrist chain unbuckled itself. 

"You can't do this Bill! He's just a boy, take me instead!" Ford screamed out in desperation. He couldn't let this happen to his Nephew, he couldn't let him be put through such torture.

"Dipper you don't understand! He'll-" Stanley shouted, finally getting the duct tape off.  Bill snapped and both Stans mouth were covered with more duct tape.

Before Bill would shake he floated over to Ford and cooed "Oh, I much rather have the sapling instead this time" Then returned to Dipper. "Any last words to your family Pinetree? All that junk", Dipper hesitated. "Yes, they will be fine and no, I won't go on with Weirdmageddon again, sadly." Bill recited, rolling his eye.

Dipper looked towards his family and just said "I'll be fine. We can't afford another apocalypse here anyways" Dipper said, starting to get teary-eyed at the thought of never seeing his family again. "Hey, I'm not much to remember anyway" He said in a failed attempt to reassure his Grunkles and sister. He finished, smiling weakly "Stay safe, good bye guys" Dipper finished, reaching out to shake Bills hand.

"DIPPER NO!" Mabel cried out as they grabbed hands. Dipper smiled and her, and mouthed "I love you Sis" before he disappeared.

"See you in your nightmares!" Bill cackled, as he flashed out of sight. The restraints breaking away from the Stan's and Mabel, as they all woke up.

"Dipper!" Mabel yelled as she sat up, looking around for him.

"He is gone" Ford muttered to himself, looking down, ashamed he couldn't stop the deal.

"No way! He can't be!" Grunkle Stan exclaimed, shaking Ford "Im sure you have some solution in that nerdy brain of yours!"

"I'm sorry, I don't know how to get him back" He paused, "That does NOT mean I won't try though," Ford repeated to Stanley, standing and helping his brother up. The three began their long walk back to the shack, the Stans eventually having to take turns carrying an exhausted Mabel.

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