Twice Reactions

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I hope you like these twice reactions since some of you really enjoyed my blackpink reactions on my other book BLACKPINK IMAGINES. Enjoy!


Twice reaction to their s/o being a famous youtuber

!Warnings! Swearing


"and in the next box, we have a- oh, Jihyo! Guys, say hello to my girlfriend, Jihyo." you'd say as you smiled at the camera while holding onto her waist. Jihyo would smile down at you.

"I just came to leave you this," she said as she placed down a bowl with apple slices in them, "and quickly make my getaway!" she would run right out of the room, leaving you in your own laughing fit.

She was always supportive of you and your career. Every now and then, she would try to sneak in some snacks for you without being noticed, however you would always call her out, making her show her face to your audience for a few seconds before she would run out of the room. She felt as if she was intruding whenever she made an appearance in your videos, despite you telling her that it was no big deal multiple times. Finally, you had enough of her squabbling.

"how about you come onto my channel and we can do the girlfriend challenge, okay?"


Jeongyeon would be the most excited about having a wicked, awesome youtuber as a lover. She wouldn't overstep her boundaries, but she would make a special appearance every now and then. Whenever you did hauls or challenges, you would always make sure to ask her first.

"when did we first meet?" you asked her as you began the girlfriend challenge. She put her finger on her chin, deep in thought.

"didn't we meet at your friend's party? Yeah, you had that lovely outfit on, and you were coercing me to dance with you."

"uh, excuse me? We did NOT meet at a party! We met backstage at one of your concerts. Remember? I gave you 100 roses and a painting I did of you." Jeongyeon would laugh as she patted you on the head. A pout formed on your face.

"I remember. I just wanted to tease you a little is all."


She was an adorable ball of energy when it came to your job. Whenever she would hear you announce that you were going to start recording, she would instantly crawl into your recording studio, and she would watch you record your covers. Hearing you sing was her weakness, and gosh dang did she have a right to have that be her weakness.

After finishing your cover of Afire Love by Ed Sheeran, you smiled at the camera and did your usual outro.

"that was my cover of Afire Love, and once again, thank you all for watching my videos. Peace out, fam!" you turned off the camera, and let out a long sigh. "now that's over, I can finally spend some time with Nayeon." you get up to go meet her, but said person was already in your room, surprising the hell out of you when you saw her in the corner.

"I'm sorry! I really like watching you sing, so I wanted to come in and see you record your video."


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