Goro's Ending Part#3

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Time wasn’t pleasant, to keep moving was your main goal so that you could not be tracked by the longer the both of your traveled, the move you realized how awful it would have been if Goro hadn’t found you. The more you traveled, the more it reminded you of your childhood and how ironic it was. You despised having to travel, never staying in one place and now, now you were once again forced to do that very same thing.

But not all of it was bad, of course, having Goro at your side lessened painful. He would constantly look out for you, not only physically but also mentally. There was not a single day or hour that he wouldn’t be worried. But time flew by faster than you though, soon a year was born and many things happened during that time.

From the beginning, although you accepted to give Goro an opportunity, at first there was a voice that told you that maybe you shouldn’t have done so. You feared that you would eventually hurt the male if you did not really return his feeling. But that was proven wrong, as days passed, Goro made sure to shower you with his affection constantly. Until you both decided to find refuge outside of a Hidden where you both had been allowed to stay, if you both provided it protection.

During that time, you came to not only see him as your friend and companion, but as a lover. How could you not love that man? Since you both decided to travel together, years ago, Goro showed his unconditional support. There was not a single time when he didn’t have your back. Even when you decided to simply stay away from your friends, he risked his own life to find you knowing that it could even take him years to do so but he never gave up. And who knows, maybe you were both destined to be together which is why you were once again reunited. Eventually, and with Goro’s patience and love, he became something more to you. He gave your life a new meaning of what it truly meant to be alive. One day, you just realized how much he really meant to you. He was much more than your friend, he became essential in your life and if he something really happened to him, you just could not bear that thought.

Just like you felt towards him, he respected you and never pressured into doing something that you did not feel. He was patient, but just like you fell in love with that loving man, that love between the two of you was showed by actions. That’s when you truly considered him your true and only love.

One day, something unexpected happened and to be completely honest, you had been scared. What was it? Your body showed symptoms. Those symptoms could be anything, and the worst part is, they worried you. To have such symptoms meant that something was wrong with your body, a part of you tried to convince you that maybe, just maybe, your body was returning to its normal state. But...What if there was something else. You thought of talking to Goro about it but decided against it, you would talk to him once you were certain of what was wrong. However, in the hospital you had been given the news. With your beating heart and shocked face, you returned home.

“Hey, where were you? I was worried.” Goro asked emerging from the kitchen, but once he noticed your shocked and serious face, he took you by the shoulders and brought you to a chair. “[Name]?” His worried orbs trailed your face as he rubbed your arms with his hands trying to calm you down.

Finally, snapping out of your shock and when you saw his worried face, tears began to gather at the corner of your eyes. You opened your mouth once then twice, but no words could be formed. Your heart began to beat faster as you watched the male in front of you. How you loved the man, your heart exploded with happiness at what you were about to tell him. With a smile on your face as a trail of tears began to run down your cheek, you placed your palm of your hand on his cheek. “Have I ever told you how much I love you?” Before revealing the news to him, you admitted. Perhaps you hadn’t voiced those words as often as you should have.

His eyes widened with surprise but a loving pair of eyes gazed upon your eyes. “You have, and proven to me by your actions. But what is wrong.” In a whisper, he asked as his own hand was placed on top of yours.

You flung your arms around his neck as you hugged him tighter. “I…I’m pregnant Goro.” Finally, those words managed to escape your lips.

His form tensed, that news sent a wave of shock through his being. It was an amazing feeling, his heart beating against his chest full of joy. That kind of happiness was felt once, and that was when you decided to give him an opportunity. Tears clouded his sight as images of the baby that would either be a girl or boy, the gender of the baby did not matter to Goro because if you were the mother, that made the happiest man alive. His arms tightened more around your form as he continued to shed tears. After minutes of soaking his heart with such happiness, he pulled away only to grab your face with his hands and simply smile at your tear stained face. There was a different shine in your eyes as you placed your hands-on top of his all the while you returned that enamored gaze. “You make me the happiest man alive.” With love lasing in his words, his caressed your cheeks with his hands. “Thank you so much for giving me an opportunity, for loving me and for giving me the best gift a man can have. Thank you. Damn it, I love you so much.”

With that, he continued to shower you with kisses and hugs. If you had been happy, the news about the new addition to the family made him swear that no matter what, he would make it his goal to always making you happy. Things changed from then on, although at the beginning you both were simply protecting the village, you were both accepted inside of it as civilians. Since then, as months passed, Goro would be so attentive and pleasing. He wanted the best for the two of you, so he found a job to maintain, and now he could say it proudly, his family.

It’s funny how many people, couples and married couples would often tell you that it was normal to have issues but…You didn’t, none that could make you or Goro speak harshly to one another. No, you both made sure to respect each other and Goro always made sure to be loving, not losing an ounce of the love that he has for you.

Once children are born, they grow so fast that it can be scary. That happened to [child’s Name]. He/She simple grew up so fast and soon, he/she turned 12. Sadly, thigs did not turn out as good as you had hoped. Of course, you were happy, damn, it felt as if it was yesterday when you fully realized how much you truly loved your husband, but other issues came along the way.

It was age, perhaps most people wouldn’t find an issue about it, who would find it unpleasant not aging? But you did because as time passed and as your child and husband aged, you didn’t. Your eyes would stare at your reflection on the mirror and realize that not a single wrinkle would appear on your skin, you still looked like the 20-year-old. Something wasn’t right, and you refused to watch the people you loved the most simply vanish in front of your eyes while you remained the same.

So, as the supporting and loving family that you had, you all knew that there was only one person who knew what was happening to you. Kabuto. He would be able to help you, and so with the support of your family, it was decided that it was time to return to the place you once called home.

The Missing Pieces(A Naruto Reader Insert)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora