Special Advice

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  For the couple of few days you have been rather busy, you've worked before but this time you barely had time. It would consist of going to work and then back home, there were only a few times where you would see TenTen and the others, however, those times you had been accompanied by your parents. They would drag you back home only giving you the change of returning their excited hand wave.

Though from what you have heard, they had taken their written test and it made you more than happy to hear that they had passed. However, as days passed, you noticed the increase of people around the village, and you understood why. Because of the Chunin exams, there were others arriving from other villages that would participate in said exams.

How long has it been? Probably around two weeks since you had started work, you barely had any time to be alone. However, because of the approaching Chunin exams, the hours of work decrease. The person for whom you had been working left, he only wanted the three of you to clean the house a few days a week. It was the perfect opportunity to look around and possibly buy some new things such as clothing.

After an hour or so of looking around, you had finally found what you needed. As you stood outside of a store, you couldn't help but look at your bag. Sure enough there's plenty of money inside of it, having a full time job had its perks; you would be able to buy anything that you wanted as long as it did not exceed your budget. However, there's that thought of how things would have been if your parents had supported your goals.

Looking up at the sky, you smiled sourly knowing you would not get anywhere just thinking over and over about it. Sadly, you needed to head back home before your parents decided to come and get you.You love them, of course you do, but it gets tiring that they stick around a lot more now. You scoffed as you began to walk back home, what happened to the 'You should get to meet kids your age,' if they don't let you?

Defeated, you dragged feet walk back home. You were hoping that at least they would allow you to go and enjoy yourself around the village but they made it clear that you were not allowed. There were continuous thoughts of how sour you felt at your parents that you did not hear the sound feet, of a person who seemed to be in a hurry, seemed to get closer and closer. You were so startled that when someone placed their hands on your shoulders unexpected, you dropped your things to the ground.

There was a laugh as the person removed their hands to walk around and face you. You placed your hand over your beating heart and shook your head, but a smile appeared on your face nonetheless. "TenTen, you scared me."

Her response was another laugh. "Sorry, I just saw you and I had to stop you. It's been a while since I have seen you. What's the deal with your parents anyway?"

That was enough to eradicate the smile from your face, she of course noticed. "I talked to them about entering the Academy and about you guys." She only raised an eyebrow waiting for you to continue. "They were so furious about the idea and they disagree about hanging around any Shinobi."

"What? Why?" But her question needs an answer that you don't even know. You merely shrugged your shoulders. "That's unreasonable!" She was fuming, but after taking a deep breath, she smiled again. "Anyway, do you want to come with? I'm meeting with a few friends."

Of course, you would love to, but what if your parents search for you? You glanced at the direction of your home and then at the ground thinking, you shouldn't even hesitate but you did. "Okay." This time you focused on her and grinned. They wouldn't mind, would they?

She mirrored your grin and grabbed your wrist but not before picking up your stuff, she then dragged you to the location where she would meet up with the others.

The Missing Pieces(A Naruto Reader Insert)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ