Offering Solutions.

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Why does it feel like burning? It was the night and things are getting worse. Your whole body feels as if it's on fire. It's starting to be harder to breathe, and even a minute ago you had caughrd up blood.

If Goro was here, he would have called Tsunade so you're glad that he's not there. Besides, if they find out that you got worse, you won't be allowed to leave. You have to at least look okay by tomorrow.

By the morning, you were up already and ready to leave. The symptoms from last night were gone but you feel really weak.

"Ready?" Your green eyed friend asked as he opened the door of the room.

Nodding you grabbed your belongings which included some gifts from your parents, Iruka and your so called friends. You didn't want to take them but it would be a waste to throw them away.

He motioned for you to hang the things out for him to carry, you shook your head as you threw them over your shoulder. Once outside, as expected you were accompanied for every single one of them. This is also why you didn't want to stay any longer, if you did, you'll get attached to this people especially after they way they are acting. They really do look sincere about their worry for your well being.

As you got near the main gate, even Iruka was there waiting offering a smile as soon as he you both locked gazes. "It's a shame that you don't want to stay but we'll respect your decision." You looked around for your parents but they were not there. Even if you waited, you know they are not going to show up. How could they, it would be as if saying goodbye forever, or at least to them.

It's upsetting but can't ask more of them, it's enough that you have to leave them once again. "In that case, I'll be off then."

"Hey! We'll be keeping in touch!" Naruto announced with a wide grin.

Rolling your eyes, you shook your head. That guy, really never gives up. "Whatever you say Naruto."

TenTen stepped forward and took you by surprise by engulfing you into a hug. As you stood there still, you remember when you first arrived. She was the first to offer her friendship, so your arms moved around her to return her hug. "Please take good care of yourself." She said sounding almost in a whisper.

"Thanks, you too." As you both pulled away, you shared a smile.

That goodbyes didn't end there the rest said their goodbyes as well. Even the team leaders said their goodbyes as if you were indeed leaving for good.

Neji and Shikamaru were the last to say goodbye, though their worried expressions added more determination to leave now before they decide to say anything about the matter.

As soon as you all left, Goro made sure to get the both of you back at the Sand Village as soon as possible, however, you all need rest and to take breaks. But it was during one of the breaks that you both encountered trouble.

Two men who could be passed as thieves but even if they are, they are not ordinary. Goro didn't hesitate to step in front of you to protect you. But even in the weak state, you can defend yourself. "I'll take care of them while you run." Although he whispered it, it sounded more like a demand.

You narrowed your eyes. "I can still protect myself. You fight one and I'll fight the other." Despite disagreeing with you, he nodded dashing away from you. No later the one of the men follows Goro leaving just you and the other man. The man gave you enough time to react as he dashed with a kunai in hand.

Just in time you deplected the blow by jumping back and obtaining a pair of  kunai of your own. Now given enough time  to organize your thoughts, you concentrated both kunai with your own chakra. Strangely enough, it hurt using your own chakra and it became difficult to control it. The chakra moved widely as it surrounded the blades of both kunai, but that would have to wait for another day. Now you have to kill him as soon as possible because no matter whether you can fight or not, with each movement your body feels weaker and heavier.

The man may have the advantage of strength and energy  but all you need is to land a large cut and that'll do it. The man attached once more, for some moments blows were shared. However because of your state, each blow connected with your body sending you across the ground.

A cursed hissing right after as you got to your feet. Your wounds began to bleed now, proving that they weren't healing at all. Spitting to the side, you glared at him.

He was smiling, that cocky little bastard. You scoffed as you dashed forward slashing with those blades as if you had been fighting for most of your life. For now you don't want anything flashy, your body will not be able to respond if you don't put a stop to this. It's frustrating not be able to fight with all your might and to erase that smile off if his face but you can't afford to get frustrated. If you do, you'll lose your concentration.

Spinning around and slashing, the man began to step back as he tried to block the barrage of your attacks. But yes, your eyes widened as a blade came out showed in that red liquid. Jumping back, you remained in the squatting position to observe the male. It's not a strong stack, but you can't do nothing more with your state sadly. The blade infused with your chakra can be used as a poison. Kabuto has told you that with great concentration, you can manipulate your own chakra and use it as poisoning. Once it enters the blood stream, it starts the poisoning. However, at first the only that it can do is to slow him out until the poison takes effect. It's not developed to it's perfection, so you cannot use it to it's fullest.

For now you have to keep him active, the faster his heart beats, the faster your chakra travels the rest of his body. Within 15 minutes, you're in no better condition since you received most of his blows, however you can start to see him grit his teeth.

"What did you do to me?" He asked as his face showed lot of pain.

Panting and groaning, you struggled to stand up. "You were poisoned, by now I guess you can start to feel the effects. Do you know that you're going to die?"

"Why you!!!" But his movements were sluggish, and even in your state you were able to dodge the attack.

His body began to shake and tremble as he began to fall to the ground. He struggled to his feet trying to move away, but only to fall once more. "Even if you were to escape, you won't find an antidote. You're as good as dead."

His mother opened gasping for air, so now his internal organs were failing and it won't take too long for him to die anyway. You tried around to find Goro.

"I was expecting so much more from you." You froze mid step and your eyes widened. No, not him.

The Missing Pieces(A Naruto Reader Insert)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang