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Sorry guys, I'm not very good writing this kind of scene. But i hope you still enjoy it.


Silence is always welcomed, it is, but as long as those dark thoughts do not plague your mind. Those thoughts that just bury you deeper into the depths of thoughts and hatred. In  any other day, spending those hours​ alone in pure silence would have been more than welcomed. But the reason behind it, only creates negative thoughts. 

With every hour that passed, the deeper your doubts increased. There were so many things that the silence and the situation made you analyze, like friendship and the many times your so called friends abandoned you. 

But as you thought about your life's events, your hatred could not be controlled. It made you, no, you know who you can count on and trust. Madara's isn't the friendliest of all but he had always treated you with respect, even more so lately. Izuna, there had been so many moments when you were simply drenched with bad memories and who was there to help you? He was, he would always be there to dig you out of that hole filled with pain. Kira, the male had taught you so much and helped you as well. Hell, even Obito had a possible impact in your life whether either of you want to accept it. So, why had your so called friends had abandoned you once more? Sure, you would be hypocritical by questioning them, but it you could not dismiss that thought. But then again, what could you expect from them when even your parents gave you their backs when they were supposed to be there for you. They were the ones who constructed this future for you the moment they accepted Orochimaru's help and then, they found it easier to simply attach all of that guilt to you. They blamed you for it, they made themselves victims when you should be the one to feel in such a way and you really have a reason to do so. 

Growling, you rub your face as you are seating on your bed. For a few seconds the skin became red as it was rubbed harder than it should have, but it cleared out seconds later. This is why you did not want this mission, you knew that being close to your enemies would bring you into a depressive state. It was weak of you, but your mind seemed to work on it's own and corrupted your thoughts and your emotions.

Letting out a few curses, you raised to your feet and pase around the room for what seemed hours but it was not that long. Only e few minutes of waiting were enough to make it feel like hours. As you pase around and the only audible bathing are your own step, and you almost missed the soft murmurs of people outside of the door. You stopped your pacing to examine the voices, said voices filled the silence in the room, and as much as you despite the owners of those voices, you welcomed it. It helped you escape from being buried in a deeper hole of torture. 

Walking silently towards the door, you waited as they finished talking. Their voices were muffled making it difficult to decipher what their topic of discussion was about. Eventually, Sakura walked down the hall and left leaving Sasuke to open the door and entering the room. 

It was of course no surprise that their room was across from yours, Obito made those arrangements. For a few seconds, you took deep breaths to calm your beating heart. Once done, you straighted your back and opened the door only to walk towards Sasuke's room. 

For a minute you just stand there taking deep breaths to collect your thoughts, once you do, you raise your hand and knock once. The amount of time that you had to wait before you heard noice behind the door was just a minute but as each second passed, it seemed like an eternity. Eventually, the knob began to turn and so your heart rate began to rise. A few silent courses left your left your lips scolding yourself for acting in such a way. 

Slowly the door began to turn and once it was fully opened, a deep scowl adorned the male's features as if was annoyed. But as soon as his eyes landed on your face, it disappeared and was replaced by his surprised shock. 

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