The Hokage

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What happened? You've asked that question over and over again. But you can't find an answer. Wait, was it maybe because you accepted Kabuto's help? But even if that's the case, shouldn't they be happy that you're alive?

Shaking your head, you took a long breath. You stopped crying a while ago, and as you sat on a tree branch you came to the conclusion that you won't give up just yet. You'll get the answers so why cry.

Ah, the training grounds. Why was it that you always ended up there? Specially when they changed and even the location. With a shrug, you stood up. It's getting dark and you're rather hungry despite the situation, and even if you wanted to skip it, you can't.

Jumping down from the tree, you head to find any food station. You're not picky, you'll eat whatever in order to provide your body with the nutrients it needs.

You walked around looking for a decent place to eat, but...You remembered, you won't be able to pay for it because you have no currency whatsoever. So... Military pills then? They provide plenty of the nutrition, but they aren't tasty.

Defeated, you turn around but you have no idea where to go. To find Kakashi or not? He said he was going to arrange your staying. "[Name]?"

Wait a moment, is that Iruka? Once you turn to find the person, sure enough it's him. Just like Kakashi, he hasn't aged. Not even a single wrinkle on that face.

Your lips curbed up a bit. "Iruka, how did you know?"

The man laughed. "I heard you arrived, you looked slightly familiar so I just guessed."

A grumble. Did your stomach decided this exact moment to complain. Your head rubbed your belly in embarrassment. "Sorry."

Quite amused, he shared a grin. "You haven't eaten, have you? Come on, my treat."

How nice of him, despite feeling like rejecting the invitation, you know you need the food. "Well..." Scratching your head you smile embarrassed. " If you don't mind emptying your wallet. I...Eat a lot."

His eyes widened, but then began to laugh. "Come on, I'm sure I can handle it. Come." He motioned.

"Alright, you've been warned." And warned he was. He soon found out why though. He took you to the famous ramen stand and he still have his bowl full. Wow, it really was impressive. If he didn't know any better, your appetite rivaled that of Naruto but less messy.

A pile of bowls sat at your side while you devoured the next one. Even the owner and his daughter watched in amusement. How could you eat so much? Letting a satisfied exhale, you pushed the bowl away from you. Upon realizing the small crowd around you, you scratched your head once more. "I told you."

Was it fascination what you saw in his eyes? "No...Wow, that was impressive. There was no other person who could rival Naruto but I think he met his match." He mused.

Speaking of which, he hasn't show up. "I'm surprised I didn't find him here."

"They're on a mission." That friendly smile turned into a frown. Perhaps he remembered why you had left and the distaste is obvious. However, as his eyes stared at you trying to find his own answers he eventually gave up. Why ask when he knew why you left. "Are you staying for good?"

You shook your head as you handed the owner of the stand the empty bowls. "Only a few days, maybe a week."

"Why?" He looked disappointed, sad even.

"I know I am allowed to stay and I would but..." But you had been accepted, cared for at The Sand Village. Despite certain things, it's closer to home. "I already have a home."

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