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Two weeks, it has been that long since you have been cured and since Kabuto has been accepted. At first there were issues about his acceptance but eventually, the village came to welcome him as a new member. He was after-all a huge asset to the village, he provided protection and another person that knew more about medical ninjutsu than anybody else.

However, even if that has bee resolved there are other more important matters, like the war. It is so frustrating bad things had gotten in just two weeks.Other villages were ready fighting and from the information that you've gathered, there's no change. You can do what you feel is best for your people but you need to act now. Of course Gaara and Kakashi provided with protection but even that is not enough. How can six individuals help you protect a population of two hundred and five people? It's just not enough, you appreciate their help knowing that even offering those people will have an impact on their part. They need every single ninja on their side.

With a pen and scroll at hand, you begin to write a letter. The first is dedicated to Kakashi since he's further away from your clan.

[-Dear Kakashi

                I apologize I advance for heading straight to the point and forgetting about courtesies. I cannot thank you enough for the protection that you provided for us, I really do, even if you are not responsible for our safety. However, as you know more than we do, war is chaotic and once it reaches out village, it will destroy everything on its path. It's humiliating that I as a leader, am obliged to ask for refuge for my people. However, as a leader it is my responsibility to look for their safety. This is why, I will get rid of my pride and ask for your help. I understand that our population might bring trouble, which is why I've talked to the Kazekage and if he agrees, I will split the population in half. But before that, and if you led us your help, I will bring groups with me to the battlefield. My people will be able to help those wounded on the battlefield, I too will be lending my services and help fight and cure those who are in need of healing. Please, I hope that you accept our request of help.

           Sincerely, Leader [Name]

Once you're done with the first one, you begin with the second but it is the same thing, except the tittle. You'll send them with one of their Shinobi, and you're just hoping that they get the message soon otherwise the clan will be closer to danger. You drop the pen to the side, and just as you are sealing the last scroll, your eyes trail to the man who is reading a few documents. "Aki." Calling his name and once he offers his attention, you motion for him to get closer. "Send these to Kakashi and Gaara."

There's seriousness written all over your face so without wasting any more precious time, he takes the scrolls and leaves without any questions.

Just right after Aki left, Goro enters but not before he knocked and he was cleared to enter. As he approaches, you sigh. Right, you planned how you will evacuate. Those of more importance at the kids, of course everyone is but the kids do not stand a chance of defending themselves if trouble approached. "I have something to ask you." Feeling so tired, you lean back to rest just a bit.

His green eyes look worried as he studies you. Although there are no signs of lack of sleep or fatigue, they know you haven't been resting well enough. "You should take a rest."

Shaking your head you point to the chair opposite you. "There's no time for that now. Listen," you take out a paper with numbers on it, "I'll start an evacuation soon." Now that you leaned forward once more, you trail your eyes to the numbers on the document.

"What?" Goro seemed surprised but he knows why. 

Leaning back to rest a little, you watch him. "If we stay where we are it's probable that we'll get attacked. We're able to defend ourselves but not for long, then what? We won't last long, that's why I asked Kakashi and Gaara to let my people stay."

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