
514 17 5

Total Time:(Aprox)8 years, 5 months

Current Ages:
Reader's Age: 21
Shikamaru: 20


It did not take as long as they thought it would to have your location, but the oddest thing is that village. Per records, that village is supposed to not exist so why is it inhabited with many people? Having to see find it  was hard but Itachi, Sasuke, and Goro managed to gather the information. Although Naruto would have preferred to go there personally, but the moment he became Hokage, he couldn’t just abandone the village for something so so insignificant. At least that is what the council had call it, Naruto was persistent but he knew deep down that his job was to stay back at the village, and that is what he did.

It has been merely a few days since the team returned home and although everyone important knew about it, your friends hadn’t exactly the time to get together and discuss about it. That is, until now.As everyone, exept Gaara, gathered to eat something the barbecue restaurant, they remained silent after the news were delivered. The news should be ones to bring joy, because a friend of theirs is alive and now they have the location. But the news seemed to bring a sour taste to some of them.

That is, except Goro and Naruto, both males looked just thrilled about the idea. Or maybe everyone is but those were the ones that showed it the most. Goro, although a woman showed up into his life after your death, he never gave her any hope of developing something between the two of them. He has always loved you and that didn't change even after you have been assumed dead.

Friendship always meant a lot for those in the Leaf and the Sand Viallage but there are times when said friendship is questioned. For instance, now, it may be harsh and at some point, Sakura despises herself for it. Since the beginning, Sakura felt regret as she informed Naruto of the news. Lives had been affected in both ways, some negative and others positive. Her eyes trailed to Sasuke, her life has been turned upside down since that unfortunate day. Since then, Sasuke acted indifferent as if the two of them hadn’t tried to develop some kind of relationship.  

Then there is Hinata, that shy woman managed to grow some courage to tell Naruto how she felt. The man was hesitant, and even though he didn't give her a change, or at least one close to a relationship, they became a little closer. But now, that huge smile on his lips showed the happiness to know that soon you'll be back with them. Hinata could smile but there is sadness hidden behind her smiles.

Even Shikamaru, the male that always thought of women to be troublesome. Somehow Temari fell in love with him, and as a straightforward woman, she didn't hesitate to tell him. Just like everyone else, they were close to a relationship and the frown on Temari's face proved her distaste. Shikamaru as a genius should know how he would hurt the woman if he chose to you once again, wait for you and maybe gain your affection. But in that state when his mind traveled away from the conversation only proved that he had already decided.

Shaking her head, Sakura rose to her feet and left. Why stay when she already knows that you were going to be the topic of discussion. At the side, Iruka simply stared at his food. A lot happened during your disappearance and a guilty feeling crawled its way to his heart. He should have had faith in you, but he did not, he assumed that you were indeed dead. What would happen now that you would be brought back to the village? His eyes scanned the others, he knew how things would change. Many were beginning to move on with their lives and even start their own families, he did, nor did Kakashi. Shaking his head, he decided to just eat and then head back home.

“Next week we will send a team to find her and convince her to come back.” The excitement dripping from Naruto’s voice cannot be ignored by those around him.

Kakashi took a deep and long breath as he stopped reading before he placed his book in his pocket. Who was he kidding, reading? Not exactly, he was aware of the troubled faces of those around him and so was he. There are many things that simply do not make sense, Sakura explained what happened when they arrived back from their mission but by the way Sasuke acted seemed rather odd. Something must had happened between the two of you, but none of the two seemed to be willing to share that information.  “Calm down Naruto.” He began as he watched the eyes of the others trail back to him. “Remember, Madara is still alive and whatever he has planned might place the village in danger. That should be your main priority.”

The smirk adorning Naruto’s face was replaced by a frown. “I know, believe it! But I am not going to let her fend him off on her own, that is why she has us!” Slamming his hands on the table, he announced. A few of the costumers glanced at him muttering a few things seeing the Hokage so agitated. Naruto sat down and tried to calm down. “We can’t give her our back again, that’s not going to happen.”

“Kakashi is right.” Finally, Shikamaru decided to shake off his thoughts and concentrate in the conversation. As they were just getting started to discuss the matter, Sai, who had been absent, approached with a scroll resting in his grasp.

Everyone stopped their actions, except Choji, and gave their attention to the pale male. “We received this message from The Sand Village.”

As soon as the village was mentioned, he snatched the scroll and began to read its contents. When his bright eyes scanned every single word of the scroll, his eyes frowned. Even after he was done reading it, he simply stared at it for a few moments. He shot up from the seat and began to walk to his office, the others startled by his action followed him. The contents that the scroll held must hold importance otherwise the Hokage wouldn’t be acting in such a way.

“Naruto, what is it?” Shikamaru took the initiative to ask as he quickened his steps.

Naruto came to a halt. “A huge army is headed towards the Sand Village.” He explained silently so that the civilians wouldn’t hear him. With that, he continued to head farter. Once he was inside his office, he requested a hearing with the council.

Only a few could enter the office, Shikamaru, Neji, Itachi, Kakashi, and Sasuke. They watched as Naruto rubbed the sides of his head troubled. “Madara is back, he’s the one leading the army.” He continued to explain but a pained expression adorned his face. “He’s alive and now processes a real body.”

“How is that even possible?” Neji asked puzzled about the news.

“[Name].” The voice of Kabuto interrupted them all, he had entered the office without permission. How did he know about the news when he was at the orphanage? Seeing the Hokage in such a troubled state on his way to his office was not easy to ignore, he knew that something was off.

“No. That’s not possible, do you think she helped them?” Naruto asked standing from his seat, Kabuto could see hope in his eyes waiting from him to tell him that you didn’t.

Sadly, he didn’t have very good news. “We all know her, if she had been recaptured by Madara, she would have preferred to die than help him.”

“Then how do you explain about Madara’s body?” Shikamaru asked with furrowed eyebrows.

Kabuto looked at the ground concerned. “There has to be a reason, one that I cannot provide.” Sadly, there is not much information for him to make a theory. Although the mere fact that you helped Madara is something to be concerned about. They could have tortured you, yes, but you are a hard nut hard to crack, so that is out of the question.

“I see.” With an upset look, Naruto curled his hand forming fists. “First, we’ll get ready for war, but I also need to send a team to retrieve [Name]. The others might say that she isn’t important, but she is.”

“Now that Madara is alive, she is essential for him in order to keep himself alive.” Shikamaru concluded.

Kabuto’s eyes remained on the ground. “Then perhaps it would be best to send Shikamaru, Goro, the Uchihas and myself.”

“Very well, then get prepared to leave at one.”

With that order, everyone left to prepare. There is so much to be done, so much planning to protect the Leaf but also to help Gaara, and to bring you back home. No matter if there is a war, if you had been captured by Madara, they’ll recue you. However, if you are not his captive, they’ll bring you back whether you want to or not. Then you’re going to have to give detailed explanation as to why you helped that man.

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