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They were more than prepared, as soon as they received your answer they began to move. They wanted to hold an even where you'll be officially announced not to the village but also to the rest. They sent messages to other villages inviting  them, to present you to them apparently since the [Last Name] Clan is very important.

You on the other hand, you and your friends were taken to your new home. That huge house where you'll be staying. Once there, their best chefs were ordered to cook their best recepies. So here you are, staring at the various plates seating in front of you.

The situation should have relieved you from the hunger but your stomach didn't care. With a sigh, you began to eat not caring who watched. You ate a lot, but always kept it clean. At least that's what you could do order not  to look like a pig.

Everyone in the room ceased their actions, except for your friends of course. They have gotten used to watch you eat so much, but the rest had their mouths hang open. Perhaps there was disgusting or shock written on their faces but you could care less. Yun cleared his throat upon noticing that perhaps more food should be prepared. "Should..." But his find couldn't digest what just happened.

After you satisfied your hunger, you glanced at said male and smiled. "I apologize for eating in such a way, but that cannot be prevented. It's the downside of having healing abilities."

That should clear things up. You stood up to breathe some fresh air. Without saying a thing, you went outside only to be followed by Sasuke. As you walked, you slowed down to be at the same pace. "You know, you don't have to protect me." He 'tsk' making your eyes roll. Once you all came to a clearing, you stopped. "Listen," maybe try again to convince them into going back to their home. You know that they miss it. "I know that you feel like you owe me Itachi's life, but you don't."

He knows, and yes, he is really thankful because you saved Itachi. He was so blinded by hate and vengeance that he wanted to kill his own brother. There was never the doubt or the question as to what and why really his clan was killed. All he ever thought of was to end Itachi's life and yet, as soon as he found out that his brother was indeed alive, he felt that another chance was given to him.

But there's something that he cannot deny, sand that something has to do with you. Even when he was training with Orochimaru, you were there. He always tried to forget any kind of humanity because he thought that it would be useless. You were there, yes, he thought of you as a liability. Why? Because as you both shard that place he got to know you. Of course didn't know you since childhood, but during those years, he did.

He always hated to admit it but you being there helped him to at least retain some humanity. How? Despite going through even torture, you always fought to never change. Even at times you would try to get rid of any feelings, but he always saw that hope. Now as he stands there, he is thankful that you never lost it. Because of that hope, you kept him humane otherwise he would have truly become a monster.

That's one of the reasons why he wanted to stand at your side. The other? Because he felt something, and he can hate that feeling as much as he wants but it won't go away. Just having you close and protecting you is enough.

"If there's someone you have to thank, it'll have to be Goro. He's the one who saved him."

Goro? He'll never thank that man, not when he made it clear how he felt. A hiss scaped his lips before he faced you, his eyes glared at you. "Itachi isn't the reason why I'm here. I'm here for my own reasons and you can say whatever you want, but I'm not leaving you idiot."

For once, you are left alone as Sasuke walked away to who knows where. But he was replaced by Itachi soon after.

"Did Sasuke speak to you?" So he was worried?

"Yes, but nothing important took place." He probably knew what the both of you spoke about anyway. Despite having mixed feelings, he would have preferred if Sasuke had told you the truth.

"I see. It's getting late, you should rest." Grabbing your hand, he led you back inside.

Even so, you want them to live happily. Ripping your hand away from his hand, you watched him. He already knew what was coming, and he's more than prepared. "Itachi."

He wanted to close his eyes, your voice, it's just so soothing. Everytime you spoke his name, it brought him peace and harmony. Your voice, your presence made him forget of all his sins. It's interesting that you think that both of them are at your side because they owe you Itachi's life. But really, far from it. Of course he owes you his life, but the reason why he is at your side may even be selfish. The reason why he wants to be by your side is because you make him at peace, and he's heart feels happy. He enjoys that feeling, he enjoys the sound of voice, your presence.

His eyes softened. "Please, if it is the same topic we have discussed before, don't. Our answer is still the same."

"I know but it isn't fair for any of you." Finally you told him what you truly felt. Taking a slow breath, you kept watching him."Out have your brother at your side, isn't best to spend that time with him for all the missed one?"

A soft smile graced his lip, making that usual expressionless face look so kind, and kind. "We appreciate your concern aboutt this decision together."

Such a kind soul. Stepping forward, you wrapped your arms around the man. Why we're so emotional when you should be at least lack that feeling? Perhaps because you have such great friends that are willing to fight at your side? Quite honestly, you didn't care, you felt like embracing the man. He's so kind and by the way he returned the action, very gentle.

"Thank you for always supporting me." Tightening the hold on him, you say with gratitude.

"It's an honor to be at your side." Once you both stayed there for a couple of minutes, you pulled away.

"We should get back now." With that, you both headed back. It has been mentioned before, you appreciate their support but it isn't fair for any of them. They're supporting you but who knows where you'll end up dragging them.

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