Sasuke's Declaration

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Groaning, you open your eyes. Your head feels like it is being smashed repeatedly. With the palm of your hands, you hold it as if that would make any difference. For a few minutes you remain in a hunched form, the pain begins to subside, and once it does, you look around. It's a big tent,  but the most surprising thing about it, are the various forms laying around. Who might that be? Naruto, Lee, Kiba, and even Goro. 

Smiling, you make sure to search for spaces because some of them are sleeping on the group, almost making it difficult to exit. With a few struggles, you finally make it outside only to be met with Sakura. You know she's tired, but even so, she continues to assist any injured. 

It's as busy as ever so you have to dodge any walking individuals in order to make it to her side. "You should take some rest, I'll take it from here."

The woman turned around as her focus was lost for a moment. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'll stay for a bit and then take a breather." As she begins to heal a deep wound on a Shinobi, she shook her head.
The pink haired female paused before she said anything. Just as she opened her mouth, Sasuke approached  with only a few cuts. However a long gash runs down his arm and although it's nothing dangerous, you motion for him to take a seat and he does. 

It feels like an eternity since you have seen the others, and it worried you. "Where are the others?" As you begin to work into healing his wound, you ask rather worried.

Those dark eyes do not leave yours as he responds. "They're making sure the perimeter is secure." Of course they are even if there are other Shinobi they want to make sure that everyone is really safe.

 Your gaze trailed to Sakura who has paused her actions  only to watch Sasuke in a loving way but there's sadness behind those eyes.

The hand resting on Sasuke's body remained there for a few seconds and the man doesn't seem that phased by it. Something quite odd knowing him. "You're good to go." As you pat your hand on his chest, you told him.

His eyes trail back to your hand as if displeased. "Hmn." Sakura's eyes widened and a small gasp scaped her lips. His eyes trail to her but they only glare.

Once he leaves is that Sakura decided to speak. " Can I speak with you privately?"

Nodding you agree and then follow her into an empty tent. Despite the light outside, it's a bit dark inside. "[Name], have you thought of... Getting married some day?"

Why in the world would she even ask such a thing? It shouldn't bother you but it does more. It's not the time nor the place to even think of such a thing. Before you let your distaste show in your expression, you take a deep breath. Raising an eyebrow you stare at her waiting to hear from her that it was a joke. "Listen, I don't we should be thinking about such a thing."

"I know it's uncalled for to ask you such a thing but... It's important." Finally she takes a deep breath. 

Pausing to think you're unsure what to tell her. You know that it might happen but you never really thought about it. Goro mentioned something about it but...You don't have time for such a thing at the moment. "Well," you begin trying to gather your thoughts, "to he honest, I haven't thought about it. Why are you asking?"

She rubbed her left arm with her right one as if trying to get rid of either pain or anxiousness. "What...Do you think of Sasuke?"

With widened eyes, you realized why she was asking. "Sakura, I'm sure I don't even cross his thoughts. Why would that matter, of what I think of him?"

Her eyes look away from you. "Because as much as it hurts, I know he doesn't care for me as I would like. But," her eyes return back to you, "have you seen the way he looks at you?"

Shaking your head and hand, you cannot believe where she is heading. "Where are you getting at? He doesn't feel that way."

"But he does, he's kind to you. And it's not just because you saved his brother. He loves you [Name]." The pain behind those words hurt you, you never meant to hurt anyone. 

"That's ridiculous. Listen." What could you tell her to make her feel better?

"It's okay." Her smile is sincere but there is pain. "As long as he is happy, I'm happy." Without leaving any time for you to speak, she existed the tent.

What? Sasuke? You want to laugh, but the pain behind Sakura's eyes stopped you from doing so. Is she right? Who cares, you're where there because of a war and romance suddenly seemed too important? Scoffing, you find a place to take a breather. However, you find yourself going to the same place as the man of the earlier discussion. If only he hadn't concealed his chakra, that way you would have avoided him.

He's crouching on a branch of a tree and his back is facing you. Not wanting to engage with any sort of action with the man. As a few muttering leave your lip, you turn around ready to leave. You walked just a few steps away when you are stopped.

"Wait." Right after some shuffling of clothing was heard and then steps.

Not the time, you're stressed and now with what Sakura asked, even more. You don't want to deal with anyone, much less Sasuke. It might sound childish, but no matter. "What is it?" You question as you begin to turn around, however a pair of hands grabbed your face and within seconds, a pair of lips were layered on top of yours. Instinct kicked in, and you pushed him away. Even if the male seemed hurt by the action, you simply narrowed your eyes. "Sasuke." It was more of a warning, but that didn't seem to affect him.

His heart quickened by the way you spoke his name. But even before you say what he knows already, he smirks watching you for a few minutes and then turns around. "I heard the conversation. Now you know she was right. It's quite pathetic of her that even after all this time she still thought that I would feel something for her." 

His attitude is beyond irritating, how could he brush off Sakura's feelings so easy? "If I didn't know you, I would tell you how heartless it is of you to say that. However, what can we expect of you?" Your fingers curled as you tried to restrain from letting your anger get the best of you. However, that smirk on his face remained making it harder to calm down. For a few seconds you glared at him and then turned around walking away.

"I'm a patient man, I will wait." His voice traveled to your already retreating form. Perhaps a nap would be quite excellent to calm down. 

The dark haired male remained where he stood, his eyes watching your retreating form. Ah, perhaps it wasn't the best course of action but there are not regrets. The feeling of your lips against his, that's something that he wants to experience more.

"That was foolish of you, younger brother."

 Sasuke hissed upon hearing his brother's voice. "Well, isn't that better than to stand and do nothing about it?" Just as Sasuke trained around to face his brother, he could notice how those eyes widened in shock. "Do you really think I wouldn't notice?" Crossing his arms across his chest, he barked.

Itachi's eyes relaxed but he said nothing, what was there to say? 

"We're Uchiha, we get what we want." With that, the younger one walked forward already leaving to his own tent. 

As for Itachi, those last words stuck to his head. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what his brother said. A smile made it's way to find lips. So, his brother wants him to make an effort in order to obtain you? So in the end, his brother figured it out? Shaking his head, he dissappeared into the trees. "Well then, do your best younger brother."

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