Return to Konoha

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With breaks here and there the journey to the Leaf Village was shorter because  of the help of Goro. However, you're carrying a message to guarantee that Goro won't be accused and possibly taken into custody.

As soon as you arrived to the main gate, you were scorted to the hospital. No time was wasted, as soon as you got there you were taken to a room. It truly was amazing that they kept him alive until now. Without their help, he would be considered to be in the same state as Itachi when you found him.

This time Goro refused to leave your side, especially knowing what would come after helping Neji. You were the only one to enter the room, though it has large windows so that others can see what is happening inside the room.

You're slightly tired from the journey but you can't wait. Taking a long breath to calm your muscles, you began the procedure. First to focus on the heart, once it beats on it's own, you focus on transferring the state of Neji's body to your own. 

As soon as Goro noticed that you were  reaching the end, he opens the door and rushes inside just in time to catch you in his arms. " Come bring her in here!" Tsunade orders Goro motioning to an empty room.

You're taken to a hospital room. The eyes if Goro are glued to your form. He doesn't like to see you suffer, he knows you're in pain and he doesn't have to hear your groans of pain to know that. The large wounds on your body makes his heart ache, and even more so when you begin to cough up blood. He wants to let them do something to help you cure  those wounds but even if he did, he knows you don't really need it. Your body is indeed amazing.

As usual, your body started to absorb chakra to heal itself faster. Tsunade stopped and stood at the side to watch. "So her body really heals from anything, doesn't it?"

Not from everything, but he's not about to reveal your weakness. Or at least the ones that Kabuto mentioned. "We should let her rest." He would love to stay, but if he stays he won't stop others from interrupting your recovery. So instead, he exits the room along with the Hokage.

Sure enough, all the members of the Squads are there, except for Team 7 and Sasuke. "Will she be alright? TenTen asks with worry.

Goro only narrows his eyes, the others turn away from him as Neji walks out of the room with minor injuries. His eyes glanced around the room as if looking for someone. "Where's she?" He asked ignoring the pain of his minor injuries.

Tsunade growled at him for not resting, but he refused to rest unless he was taken to your room. Eventually he was taken to your room, Goro following right after. He watched the pale eyed male walk at the side of the bed and just watched you.

Neji's eyes inspected every part of your body noticing how beat up it was, of course those wounds belonged to him. He said nothing but Goro could tell by the emotion on Neji's face how he felt. It's obvious that he's not happy about the turn of events. "Please leave us."

This time Goro left without protesting. At the end Neji was left to look at you. Although he did not utter a word, the expression on his face said it all. Of course he's happy to see you, Naruto changed his way of thinking about his own fate. He now believes that he can shape and change his fate, however if death was meant for him he was more than willing to accept it. But here you are, you saved him.

He's not happy, not because you saved him but more because Tsunade brought you here especially after how she treated you. As he looked at you, be realized that you're no different than him. He has to fight to change his fate and you're doing the same but by doing what Tsunade is doing, she's just adding obstacles to your already bumpy road.

But, why had you decided to help him? When you left you made it clear that you didn't care much about them so why? You were able to decide whether you helped and yet, you helped him. Taking a long deep breath, he turned around to leave to his own room. "Thank you." Left his lips as he exited the room. As he left, he swore that he would make good use of the life you've saved. After all, you've placed your body in danger just to save him even when you didn't have to.

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