My War is Over

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War fully broke within seconds as soon as Madara attacked. For a moment, you all stared in awe at just how easily the male defeated those around him. There wasn’t a need for him to use ninjutsu, just hand to hand combat. In that moment, the rest of the enemy followed right after, announcing that there was no more time to just stand around.

Perhaps it was selfish of you of just heading straight for Kira, but no matter how much your brain tried to convince you to be rational, your heart felt rage toward the male. There was only one thing to do before you gave your mind a piece of peace.

Narrowing your eyes, you ignored the cries of your name when your friends tried to keep you from getting yourself from any trouble. Kira, quite a smart male, tried to flee once he realized that Obito wouldn’t take time to take him into a safe zone. On your way, some of the enemy blocked your path as they allowed a safe path for the mad scientist to flee. Your eyes glared at each one of them, and there were some familiar faces, those you had saved before. There was a mix of guilt and hatred in their eyes as they gazed at you. Before the blade of your Kunai had the chance of taking the lives that you once saved, Kiba and Lee jumped forward, offering a nod.

Sending them a firm nod, you continued forward dodging some attacks and slashing, kicking and punching whomever tried to stop you. One you were away from the battlefield, you came to stand close to the area that you came to see when you arrived. Finally, the male came to stop without the fear that you would attack him. He was rooted to the ground, and then turned around to face you with a mocking grin on his face. “Do you really think you can stand in my path?”

Your fingers twitched in anticipation, hungry for the sensation of his blood adorning your entire being. “Oh, think? It will happen, I assure you that by the end of the day, you’ll be taking your last breath.”

A dramatic sigh left his lips as his hand rose to his head and then his fingers run through his hair. “Since the day you were born, you had a purpose do you know what that is?” Again, he asked as his eyes twinkled with his mockery. “Use, you were created to be utilized. No matter how much you struggle, you will never scape your destiny.”

A wave of adrenaline mixed with how much you loathed him washed over your body, a feeling like a shudder. Growling, you flashed forward swinging your right arm down, then the left aiming both carotid veins. Something solid met both of your blades, and as the shiny blades cut deep, blood began to exit the wound. Once the blades were no longer in contact with the neck, large quantities of blood streamed out, and even covering your body. Before you took another action, something bit the skin of your back, making you try to jump away, but it was too late, something was thrusted into your body, you had to look down and see a blade pocking from the middle of your chest.  A curse left the male’s lips as if realizing something, you hurriedly turned your whole body around to look at the Kira you had ‘killed’ only to see it banish into nothingness. Only a few feet away from the other Kira’s position was standing what you assumed to be the real Kira.

Something rose your throat, making you choke with a liquid. For a moment, you were sent to your knees, forcing you to let go of a Kunai as your hand shot to your chest. Your eyes widened as you coughed and droplets of blood were sent a few feet away from your mouth, and some dripping down your chin. “You were being careless, if you hadn’t moved that fast, I would have hit the target.”

You grasped at your chest, feeling the intense pain and a hint of fear possessed your heart as you realized that something was off. The healing process should have taken place, but you felt nor saw nothing of the sort. What you did feel was the pain and the difficulty of breathing. Of course, you could breathe, you were coughing up blood, but it was still possible for you to breath. A wheezing sound left whenever you inhaled and you exhaled. Frowning and cursing at your own stupidity, you rose to your feet facing your opponent.

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