Battlefield and New Findings

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Saving lives feels as if you were meant something in this world. How about taking them? You would have felt life the lowest of human kind but that's not the case. But how could you be merciful to the enemy when they even seemed to enjoy killing your comrades? 

Time, a few months have already passed? Seven, or was it eight months already? Time has passed so fast already that it was inevitable to lose track of time. And as such, you decided to take part of fighting two months ago. A smile appeared on your face just as you think about it, two months ago more teams arrived at the camp and  a third of it consisted of your people that decided to help cure the injured. Thanks to that, you were able to join the battle. 

This time, you were actually able to help anyone who needed your immediate help at the battle field rather than at the camp. Shaking your head, you hardened your gaze.Every single strike was a bull's eye, your only target; heart and head. They can heal, yes, but just like you, once they strike your heart or brain you're good as dead. They are no different on that matter, you would have settled with smashing their heads to pieces but that's just too messy for your liking. You have enough with blood covering your being, how discussing it would be to have their brain matter on your clothing?

Using your chakra could take out many enemies at once, but you don't intend on falling asleep every time you use it. You'll just miss all the fun. With a grin, you fight your way forward without any trouble. 

You keep thinking about why you weren't allowed to join the battle sooner, it is then that you feel a stinging sensation on your left shoulder. Your eyes trail to your shoulder but soon after, you flip back just in time. A pair of shuriken are stuck half way in your fresh. The enemy response is a grin, but doesn't attempt to attack again. 

Raising an eyebrow, you simply curl your fingers around the first shuriken and pull it out. Your fingers suffer cuts from the weapon, but you ignore that pain. You then move to the other and as you do so, your eyes do not leave the enemie's eyes. Once it is out of your flesh, you throw it to the side. The enemie's eyes widen as the wound closes as soon as the weapon is out of your shoulder.

If you didn't know better, recognition crosses his eyes as he steps back.  Now you grin, even if he begs for his life, you're not so forgiving. Walking forward, you walk even as daring to step on corpses. His fear is greater than the will to survive, he is too shocked to even attempt and run away. All you have to do is just walk forward and with your kunai, you grasp its handle and plunge it deep into his chest.

The man coughs up blood before you let his body drop to the ground. "Is that the best you can do?." A voice of a male insults as he stands there quite confidently. 

You study his form before you make any sort of attack. He's a fair skinned male with long dark spiky hair which covers his eye, and if you look closer, there's a blue tint to it. His visible eye looks more like that of Sasuke's and Itachi's Sharingan. What covers his body is a suit which has red metallic plates. 

Narrowing your eyes, your girl tightens even if the male doesn't seem like he'll attack any time soon. If Sasuke and Itachi were the only survivors of the Uchiha then who the hell is this man? "Who are you?"

The enemy around the both of you leave and start attacking the rest of your friends. His eyes trail your body and then return to your face. "You don't seem that strong." He ignores your question as he muttered to himself.

His offense means nothing to you, but your eyes trail back to your friends noticing the amount of enemies increasing. You are tempted to turn around and leave but you know that you might get some information out of the man that can be useful, so you plant your feet on the ground but not giving up your defensive position. "What do you want?" 

The man just stands, his eyes trailing from you to your friends as if he was devastating about something. Your question is unanswered as he jumps back with ease, you would have attacked him, engaged in battle with the man if you didn't know better. Whomever this man is, he's not going to be easy to defeat. If the looks from the enemy that you were able to catch didn't say much, then you're not sure what will. 

So, you let him leave. As he turned around and give you his back, for a few moments he spared you a glance before disappearing. Narrowing your eyes as you kept watching the space that had been occupied by the male, a growl scaped your lips. Letting a 'tch,' you turn your head to the side and turn around ready to aid your friends. 

On your way however, there was a really bad feeling about all of this. Why in the hell did he hold the Sharingan? Or at least it looked similar. But most of all, what the hell did he want with you? He could have attacked you but he didn't. From his comments about your strength, the reason of his appearance was just to inspect you? That's how it felt, let's just hope that you're wrong about the feeling. 

The Missing Pieces(A Naruto Reader Insert)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin