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Training wasn't how you expected it to be, Kabuto would teach you more about Chakra while Sasuke focused more on physical training. "You're leaving your blind spots wide open for the enemy." Sasuke warned and from the sound of his voice, he sounded exasperated.

He had his own training to continue but since Orochimaru left along with Kabuto, he was left with this liability. He even wondered what you had been doing all this time. "Ugh." You growl, jumping back as the male threw a kunai at you. It landed on the ground, though, as soon as you had jumped, the male had been waiting for you right after. A kunai pointed at you throat.

It has been already a year since you had been brought to this place, and things had changed a great deal. For instance, you turned 14 and for the first time in your life, you hadn't been with your family to celebrate it. Though, that excited feeling that you always felt before now was gone. Your body had also changed  from being a girl to slowly becoming more like a woman. There's also your personality, you had always been quiet, but because of the isolation and everything you've gone through, you began to slip into a path of hatred. Without knowing, your heart was beginning to get cold, and you tried to get a grip of yourself, and try to be kind but it was turning out to be harder. There was a servant girl who you had interacted with but she always responded only with fear.

Sasuke, he was even colder than he used to be, though from what you had observed multiple times while he trained against other prisoners, he wouldn't kill them as Orochimaru had expected. Perhaps he saw it as them not worthy of his time, or something else. You couldn't decipher him, nor that you tried. He only spent the necessary time training you, and then he would just leave without talking.

You ignored the kunai and headbutted him, only to give you a few seconds to get away from him. In the process, the sharp blade graced your skin, leaving a cut that oozed with blood. However, it started to heal soon after. "That's enough for today, [Name] follow me!" The voice of Kabuto interrupted any further combat training.

Without sparing a glance at Sasuke, you followed the man. He probably wanted something, he always did. You didn't talk on the way, you just kept following Kabuto as he made his way to the experiment department. What could they want know? Soon enough, you were standing at the side of a medical bed. On it laid Goro, who was wounded and unconscious. Your eyes narrowed, it had been a while since you had seen him. "He's heavily injured and if we delay any more time, he'll die."

"So, what does that have to do with me. He can die for all I care." In a dark voice, you responded.

"Remember what you've been learning lately? We need you to practice it with him." He motioned with his chin rather amused.

"I refuse, I will not." Stepping back, you were about to leave but were stopped by that same threat that they always used. However, there were moments where you could curse your parents for being a liability. If it weren't for them, and how they used to make you do things, you would have tried to leave this place a long time ago. You would be lying if you didn't admit that you had thought of risking it, they would die someday anyway. However, the thought of remaining humane in a way, you turned back already growling in anger.

Placing your hand on top of his head and another on his chest, you closed your eyes as your hands began to surround with your chakra. There was barely any pulse on him, let alone any chakra. Taking a deep breath, you began to focus more, all the while that same chakra increased enveloping the both of you. It was moving, your chakra moving around his form, and then returning to your body. His wounds began to heal, like your wounds heal; instantly. However, as they disappeared on his body, they were showing on yours. Ignoring the pain, you kept your focus and continued until you his body was completely healthy.

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