Plan Complete

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Time flew fast, and another month just passed by. As it was planned, you all moved to the new village, but nothing has changed despite the change of scenery other than a new mansion has been obtained. But you were not allowed to leave said mansion, as to why, you have no idea. 

However, as you stated at the oldest Uchiha, you wonder if that would be explained now. For a moment that thought scaped your mind as Madara glared at a servant when tea was being served. As surprising that many if not most, people feared the male in front of you. As your eyes stared at his own, you wondered when you got used to his menacing presence. Honestly you cannot remember, at first you must have feared him, even if he was young  long ago. When or how long it took you to get used to him, that's another thing to remember.

Feeling a small throbbing pain  interrupted the staring contest. Looking away from Madara, as you struggled in your seat, you retrieved a pill for said pain. The pains have been occurring more often, by now they were daily and in some occasions. That shouldn't be the problem, the problem are the images that comes with the pains. They are blurry which makes it very difficult to understand. Shaking your head, you chew the pill and offer your attention to Madara once more.

The male had yet to say or even move from his seat. Although if he called you to his office it must be serious otherwise you wouldn't have been called. "Are we going to just stare at each other?" A little annoyed, you asked unafraid of not showing a bit of respect.

The black haired male leaned back and crossed his arms across his crest. "I assume Kira has been teaching you new techniques." 

So that's the cause of the small meeting? "I wouldn't exactly call it new. Anyway, all we need is Itachi's blood and then wait for Kira to work on it."

"That is why I called you, Itachi's blood has been obtained." 

"Did you all say that I would be the one to obtain it." Although there's the relief that you didn't had to do anything like you did with Sasuke, there's a little disappointment.

"Or would you have liked to obtain it yourself." Those dark eyes glared as that sentence left his lips.

Irritated by what he was insinuating, you rose to your feet. "Do you think I enjoyed interacting with Sasuke in such a way?" Furious, you slammed your hands on the desk as your eyes shone with rage. With only a few seconds of just watching his expressionless face, you straighted up and took a deep breath to calm down. This man really knows how to ruffle your feather. "If that's all, I'll leave."

"Wait." Once more, Madara's spoke but this time rather serious. "The reason why I wanted to speak is Izuna."

"What about him?" With conservative lasing through your words, you seat down again giving him your full attention.

"Kira was able to create a heart which has Izuna's DNA. To fully create a body will take him years, years that we do not have." He leaned forward placing his hands on the desk. "You're our only option."

So that's why Kira had been busy? "I don't think I'm really, I have able to practice bu-"

"You are ready, I am a man that strives for perfection and if I knew that you weren't ready, I wouldn't be telling you. If I did, you'll risk your life, something that we must prevent."

Fear is inevitable as it crawled from your beating heart to every single part of your body. You want to do it, but the chances of failing tugs at your heart. Besides, you'll put your body in so much strain if only a heart is all you have to work on. But you have to try, because helping them is what drives you, it is what keeps you alive...For the time being. You analyze Madara, pain shot through your heart at a memory came to mind. Your mind, your memories makes you feel obligated to help them but according to your memories, your loyalty towards Kira is much greater.

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