Curiosity Killed The Cat

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Time passed rather quickly, since you still needed to work. Although, the hours of work had been reduced. Also, what you noticed is that your parents started to act rather sad, as if something serious was bothering them. However, no matter how many times you asked, they refused to answer your questions.

That same day, Goro wasn't around as you thought he would be. His father would only come and say what he wanted to be done. As for your friends, they were super busy with training. In just another day, they were going to start the exams and you could only imagine how nervous they were.

Soon the awaited day arrived, and since Iruka had to take part of it, you were left to do as you wanted. Though, you couldn't wish them good luck personally, you really wish them the best.

However, even if you had the day off, you still had to work. As you arrived at your destination, Goro was waiting for you before you even entered his home. "Hello." He greeted your parents and you of course. His gaze turned to you as you began to head inside. "Wait, I'll need your help with something. Come on." Your parents didn't seem to like the idea, however he reassured them that he talked to his father and that everything was alright.

"Where are you going?" Curiously, you asked. What on earth did he have to do this early in the morning?

"I have to buy a few things that I need." He began to move away from the entrance of his home, though he looked serious as if there was something bothering him. "I went to the hospital, but I couldn't see you."

"It doesn't matter, I'm fine." Besides even if he had been able to see you, it wouldn't make any difference on your state anyway.

"I heard that you were poisoned, do you have any idea who could do you harm?" He stopped moving, and stepped in front of you preventing you from moving any further. His eyes looked so cold, and you couldn't decipher if it was because of he was worried of your wellbeing, or something else.

His hands, which were placed on both of your shoulders bothered you. You didn't feel comfortable, especially with that gaze. Pushing his hands away from your shoulders, you stepped back with a frown. "I don't know, I have no idea who it could be."

His gaze softened just a bit, something quite odd. "You know, you didn't seem the kind of person who would gain enemies."

"That's ridiculous! I barely know a few people around here. Though, it's really unsettling that someone would hurt me and without a good motive." There's the feeling of fear, it was scary to think that someone would try to hurt you. Who? You haven't made enemies, you hadn't been mean or anything.

A wave of warm air hit your face as the male let out a deep exhale. "You never know, you have to be more careful. Anyway, I'm sorry for lying to you, the real reason why I wanted you to come with me is because I wanted to discuss a few things." Glancing around looking for who knows what, he took a hol of your hand and began to drag you.

You would have pulled away, but you were interested in what he wanted to tell you. He was looking everywhere, his eyes bouncing from building to building and from face to face as if he was expecting some sort of attack. There were many people around which is why he wanted to speak alone so that no one would be able to hear anything.

You guys walked for  good 10 minutes, until he stopped in front a lake. It was surprising that it was empty, you expected some people to be around, especially with the amount visitors from other villages. There was sweat in your hand, the one that was still glued to Goro's and it felt unpleasant. One his feet stop in front of the lake, he let go. However, he didn't speak until he looked around once again. "What's up with you?"

Finally, he plopped on the ground, patting the spot next to him. Though when you remained standing, he grabbed your hand and pulled until you were forced to take a seat at his side. "Listen, there's a lot that your parents talk about to my father. I really thought about it before deciding what to do, and I think that it's unfair that you are kept in the dark."

The Missing Pieces(A Naruto Reader Insert)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن