Chapter 11

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When i woke up i was SOOOOOO hungry. I looked around and next to me layed my handsome and amazing Damien. Yes i know i make it sound like I own him. But i just love him like a lot and hes mine. I justed layed there looking at his sleeping form. About 10 minutes of me laying there i remembered i was like super hungry so i crawled out of his arms. I got in the nice awesome shower that i am proud to say is mine. I washed my hair with my strawberry soap. After i was down i got out and got dressed in some Vanity short-shorts and a Vanity pink sweater that hangs off the shoulder. i walked back into the bathroom and straightened my long white hair. brushed my teeth. Brushed my hair. Then i put my make-up on. I liked it natural so i put my signiture winged eyeliner on, then my contacts, then i put my lite purple eyeshadow on. I put on my cherry lemonade red lip gloss on and i was done. Man i missed the life i had while i was gone. I looked like nothing had happened. I looked back to normal. Well almost. I still miss Ashley. I wonder where her and Kevin are. I wonder if they are ok. I walked out of the bathroom and Damien was still sound asleep on the bed so i opened the bedroom dorr and walked into the hallway closing it behind me. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. There was a girl sat at the counter but i didnt know who. I walked to the fridge and toke out some orange juice. I turned around and saw a very pretty girl with her head down.

"Hi. I'm Riley." I said with a smile. Her head came up and dang her eyes were super blue!

"Hi luna. I'm Nicole." she said.

"Please don't call me luna. Just Riley will do." I told her and she smiled.

"opps sorry lu-Riley." She said. I toke my jucie and sat beside her.

"So Nicole. Do you have a rank?" I asked.

"Head Omega." She told me and put her head back down.

"What do the head Omega's do?" I asked Nicole.

"Well I make sure that all the warior childeren are trained and looked after while there parents are fighting or making ground runs. Or if you had kids I would look after them if needed when your at meeting. Or if you and the alpha need some naugthy time together. But I was not born the head Omega i choose to be." She said and giggled. My face turned red.

"How old are you Nicole?" I asked she looked not even 16 yet.

"I just turned 19 a month or so ago." She told me with a proud look on her face.

"Cool." I said. Opps guess i was wrong.

"How old are you Riley?" She asked me with a curios look on her face.

"I'm still 18 for a few more months. But i think I am like 2 years younger then Damien." I told her.

"Yes. That is right because i remember when i was younger and i had a major crush on him. But now that i am grown up I have my own mate." She told me. I giggled.

"When i was in high school, he was dating this really sluty and skanky whore. Who useto beat me up. But when she pushed me down one time Damien helped me up and looked me in the eyes. He ran me outside behind the school and told me i was his mate. I was like um, nope you got it all wrong. And iI ran off but he eneded up coming over to my house to help me shift for my first time." I said and by the end of that she was all smiley.

"AWWW! That is the most cutest thing ever! So you to were for eachother after all." She said. And i nodded my head.

"What about your mate?" i asked. I toke a sip of my orange jucie.

"Well. His name is Kyle. He is the third in command. He has the most beautiful green eyes i have ever seen." She told me with a sparkle in her eye. "Oh ya and i almost forgot. I'm Damien sister. That doesnt live with our parents in Alaska." She told me.

"Wait! What!" i yelled. He never told me he had a sister named Nicole. And that his parents are now living in alaska.

"Ya opps. But i have to go the kideos are going to be awake soon. Gotta go. Later bestfriend!" She yelled as she ran off. Well that was unexpeted. I finished my drink and went outside. I sat on the porch swing. As i looked off into the forest I saw Damien's wolf come out and change back into his human form.

"Hey babe. Sorry I didn't get to eat breakfast with you i had to go and deal with some rogues." He told me as he went behind the swing to get his clothes on.

"It's fine." I told him.

"Come on I want to talk about something. Now." He told me he toke my hand and pulled half dragged up to our room.

"What's this about Damien." I asked.

"I want to try for another baby."

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