Chapter 17

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Yet again I'm up for what seems to be the 15th time tonight. But in reality it was only the 3rd. I walked into Willow's room, where my beautiful red haired blue eyed baby girl sat crying in her crib.
"What's wrong Little Willow Bee? Is my bee hungry?" I asked her. I knew she couldn't answer but she was the only one to talk to right now. You see, Damien had about a billion meetings 7 towns away from the pack house. He didn't want to leave me. But as Alpha, he has duties he must attend too.

I toke Willow out of her crib and walked over to the rocking chair in the corner of the room. I already had a bottle made for her. Knowing she would be hungry. I began to feed my Little Bee when all of a sudden I had a tic attack. I quickly mind linked Damien's mother. She ran into the room and grabbed Willow as I went down to the floor.

You see. With all of this stress on me. I've begun to have these things called tics. I get them ALL the time. Sometimes they are worse then others.

I was laying on the ground in my daughters room. Having a attack. I could feel tears running down my face. When will this pain end? When will I be normal again? Oh ya. I won't. Damien doesn't know anything about these yet. I plan to keep that this way until he comes back. I don't need him rushing home to take care of madden in distress. He has far more important things to deal with right now. Finally after about what seemed like the longest 10 minutes of my life it ended. I laid there on the ground trying to catch my breath. I slowly got up.
"Are you alright now Riley?" Damien's mom asked me.
"Yes, I'm alright." I walked over to her and got my bee from her. Who had little tears running down her freckled face.
"It's alright my bee. Mommy's here now." I told her. Her little blue eyes looked up at me. She closed her eyes. And soon I heard little snores coming from my bee. I put her into her crib, and quietly left the room. I was walking back to my room when I heard my mind link to Damien open.
'Hello my angel' Damien said.
'Why aren't you asleep yet? Don't you have meetings tomorrow?' I asked.
'I missed you. So I wanted to talk.' He told me.
'Well I miss you too. When are you coming home?' I asked.
'Walk into our room and I'll show you' he answered back.
'Damien, what are you talking about?' I asked.
'Stop asking questions Riley. Just walk into the room.' He said.
'Okay okay.' I said. When I walked into the room I saw a smiling Damien standing near the bed. I ran to him and hugged him. It's as if all of my stress just lifted.
"I thought you weren't gonna be home for a few more days?" I asked.
"One of the Alphas had an emergency in his territory. So the meetings got cancelled."
"So your back then?" I asked.
"Yes, Riley. I'm back." He told me.

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