Chapter 18

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"So now that I'm back. What's been going on Riley?" He asked me. "And don't lie. I already know. But I want to hear it from you." He told me. Shit! How did he find out!? Daisy! That little jerk! Ugh I'm sooo gonna kill her!

"Weeeeeeellllll, you see. I've kind of been really stressed lately and I started to get these things called tics...." I told him in response.

"Riley! Why didn't you tell me when they first started!? I could of helped you!" He yelled at me.

"I'm sorry! You were at meetings and you were busy! I didn't want to bother you or make you come home to take care of the madden in distress!" I yelled back.

"Plus. I'm sure they'll be gone now that your here." I told him.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you Riley. I'm just worried that's all. You know I'd do anything for you. But I don't want you to feel, like, like, your alone. That's all." He told me.

"I'm sorry for yelling too. It doesn't make the situation any better. But I know I'm not alone because I have you and Willow. But I feel that if I make you take care of me all the time then I'm useless. I'm not. So I like to take care of myself. I'm sorry." I told him back. My eyes starting to water.

"Your not useless Riley. You'll never ever ever be useless. Your strong, independent, smart, funny, beautiful, loving, and again, beautiful. But something this serious needs to be told to me. I need to take of serious issues like this. Okay?" He said. Wiping the tears that were coming down my cheeks.

"Okay. Next time something this serious happens, I'll tell you. I promise. I love you." I told him.

"I love you too Bunny." He said. He leaned down and kissed my forehead in a loving and passionate way. I love my family. I always will.

"Now, let's get you to bed my girl. I'm sure your very tired." He said. I nodded my head and he carefully lifted me in his arms bridle style and layed me down in our huge ass bed. He tucked me in and crawled in next to me. He wrapped me in his arms and within 5 minutes I was out like a light.


When I woke up it was light outside. I rolled over to find the bed empty.

"Ugh. God dammit." I said to myself. I crawled out of our bed and walked to the bathroom. I used to bathroom. Took a shower. Brushed my teeth and then I got my clothes out. I was gonna wear a black beanie, a Panic! At the Disco tee-shirt and black jeans. (Very dark. I know) I put on my kitty cat knee length socks and walked out of our room. I walked down to the kitchen to find my handsome mate and adorable Willow Bee eating breakfast. I seen a plate on the other side of my mate and daughter. I'm guessing it's mine.

"Look baby girl mommy's awake. Finley." Damien said to our daughter. I walked up to him and kissed his cheek and then I smacked the back of his head. "Ow! What was that for?" He asked.

"For leaving me alone in bed. Meanie." I told him. He toke my hand in his and kissed the back of it.

"I'm sorry princess. It's just little Willow Bee was yelling for me and I couldn't let down my little princess." He explained to me. I took Willow out of his arms when I finished eating and up stairs in her room. I got her ready for the day. She was wearing a pink flannel with the sleeves rolled up, and pink sparkly leggings paired with black uggs, and a pink sparkly head band to pull back her adorable red hair. I took her back down stairs and into the living room where Daisy and her son, Hunter, were sitting. I put Willow on the ground with Hunter and they immediately started playing and talking in their baby language. You see me and Daisy have this plan that Hunter and Willow will be bestfriends forever. Or mates. Or bestfriend mates! But it's weird because when Willow was born. She wasn't born a werewolf. Maybe it has something to do with the witches. Or maybe it's just the way she is. Either way it makes her special and I would never take back having her as my daughter. I can't wait till she goes to prom, and finds her mate, and gets married! And has her own children! I'll be a grandma one day!!!!!

Hey guys. I'm so sorry I've been really MIA lately. I've been so busy with going to a new school and I've been having a lot of family drama. But I promise I'll try to update more. On this book and my other books. Yes don't worry. I haven't forgotten about my other book. Let me know if you like this chapter. To me. I think this is surely a long chapter that's for sure. But anyway. Luv ya! And go check out my instagram, d3ad_girl__ and go check out my new youtube channel. It's called Music Is Ours. It's a group channel I've made with 4 of my friends. But I'll see y'all in the next chapter! Bye!

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 10, 2016 ⏰

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