Chapter 52: Wounded

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(YUP. pan-in-the-sky on Tumblr has blessed this world with more amazing fanart for this fanfic and I love it so much I can't even. Niner's cute af even with his broke af eye. Smol Gavin is what I live for. Connor just wants Niner to be best mom. I LOVE IT. Thaaaaank you sooooo much! THEY ARE SO DYSFUNCTIONAL IT HURTS.)

Sorry for not updating a lot :( Been feeling like shit for multiple different reasons over the past few days XD


"Con, I just wanna be alone, okay?" Gavin said with slight anger as he made his way over to the couch.

"I can't let you be alone with your thoughts, Gavin. That's not good for you." Connor replied, calmly. He approached the couch before sitting next to Gavin.


"No." Connor cut him off before putting his arms around the man, "I'm not leaving you alone." he muttered into Gavin's neck.

Gavin took deep breaths as he shut his eyes. He put an arm around Connor's shoulders and leaned into him, "You're stubborn." he mumbled.

"No. You are." Connor smiled, "Niner and Chloe should be here in exactly thirteen minutes. So you..." he paused as he kissed Gavin's neck, "Need to calm down."

"Don't tell me what to do. You're not Niner."

"Good. Because if I was Niner then I wouldn't get to be with you."

A groan escaped Gavin's lips, "Stop being cheesy." he said before he tried to pull away from Connor. The android's arms tightened around him, "Connor..."

"Gavin..." Connor mocked.

"You're so fucking clingy." Gavin decided before he put his own arms around the android, his head rested in the crook of Connor's neck.

"Who can blame me?" Connor asked as he rested his cheek on top of Gavin's head. He ran a hand up the man's back before carding his fingers through his hair in order to calm Gavin down.


A knock was soon heard at the door. Connor kissed the side of Gavin's head before pulling away and standing up to head towards the door, "Sorry, I'm early." Chloe said as Connor opened the door, "I hope I'm not intruding." she said as Connor allowed her to step inside.

"Of course not." Connor assured as he closed the door and headed back over to the couch, both Chloe and him sat down, "We'll wait for Niner and then we can head out."

"Androids aren't really known to eat." she stated.

Gavin smiled, "Connor used to say that. Can't knock it til you try it."

She nodded with a smile, "I suppose."

Gavin jumped as the front door flung open, "Jesus, Nines!" he exclaimed as the android entered the house, closing the door behind him, "Couldn't you make a more civilised entrance?!"

"S-Sorry." he said as his LED flashed red.

Chloe stood and approached, "What's wrong, Niner?" she asked as her hand came up to Niner's cheek, she could see excess Thirium falling from his eye.

"Oh, N-Nothing. I'm okay."

Gavin stood and headed towards them, "There is definitely something wrong, Nines."

"Yes." Connor said, "My systems tell me that you have received another wound. You have low Thirium levels."

"The fuck do you mean?" Gavin questioned.

Niner stepped back away from Chloe's hand, his LED still shined a bright red, "Well-"

"Where is it and who the fuck did it?" Gavin asked with anger and worry. Niner reluctantly turned so they could see the tear in the back of his jacket at his lower back, Thirium was swiftly pouring out. There were also a few sparks of electricity coming from the exposed wiring, "Fuckin' hell, Nines. I swear if this was La-"

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