Chapter 37: Investigaton

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"No, Niner. There is no way in hell that Connor will take me back after this shit." Gavin said, exiting his car.

"But if Lara indeed is in posession of illegal drugs then it won't be your fault, Gavin." he followed Gavin towards the house.

Gavin shook his head, "Doesn't fuckin' matter. Like I've said. Should've been able to control myself."

"This kind of act will put Lara behind bars for a long time, Gavin. I'm sure Connor would understand." Niner said, reaching into his pocket for the spare house key Lara had given him a few months ago, "Possesion of them. Using them on you. And then assaulting you. It is not something that the Captain will take too lightly. It's not something that the public will take too lightly either."

As Niner unlocked the door and stepped inside, Gavin followed, "I'm a fuckin' stupid asshole." he clenched his fists as he looked around the clean home, "I never even thought about cheating when I was with other people. I can't even fucking believe I did that to Connor."

Niner quickly slapped Gavin round the back of the head, "You're right about being a fuckin' stupid asshole."

"Why are you so violent?!" Gavin exclaimed, his hand coming up to rub his head.

Niner closed the door, "I'm trying to get it through your fucking head that it's not your fault if Lara indeed drugged you. That's extremely serious if she did! I will help explain it to Connor if I need to!"

A slight smile appeared on Gavin's face, "Well... Thanks, Niney."

The android slowly turned to glare at Gavin, "Don't. Call. Me. That. Again."

Gavin put his hands up in surrender, "Okay, Jesus..."


"I haven't done anything wrong!" Lara exclaimed, staring at Fowler.

"Haven't done anythin' wrong?!" Hank questioned, "You're fucking crazy..."

"You have been suspected of abusing Niner." Fowler said, "This is quite serious."

"I'm not!" she continued.

Connor glared at her, "You are. Both Niner and Gavin can also confirm that you are abusive."

Oh, how much he hated Lara for taking his Gavin away. He wanted her out of the DPD as soon as possible.

Lara flipped the android off, "I'm so sorry that you're boyfriend preferred me over you, plastic. Don't need to take it out on me."

Hank quickly placed a hand on Connor's shoulder, "Ignore her."

"Oh, come on, Connor!" Lara continued, "It's okay." she smirked, "I gave him a good time."

Connor's LED went red.

"Oxton!" Fowler exclaimed, "I suggest you shut your fucking mouth!"

"I know you want to beat the shit out of her, son..." Hank started, "But don't. It will only make you look like the bad guy."

Lara rolled her eyes, "This is ridiculous. I am not and I have never abused Niner."

"Bullshit." Connor said, his anger still rising, "Get Niner over here right now. He will have evidence within his memory banks."

"Even I did abuse Niner, what the fuck are the DPD gonna do?! They let a psychopath like Fawkes go! A worthless abused android is nothin' compared to this shit he has done!"

  Hank shook his head before groaning, "You two seemed like good friends!"

"It was all an act just to make the dipshit do what I want." Lara replied, folding her arms, "All androids are obedient. They always will be."

Not So Different | Connor x Gavin Reed | Detroit Become Human Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें