Chapter 2: Texting with Emojis

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Hank burst in through the door which made Gavin stand up, leaving Connor still lying on the couch.

"What do you want, old man?" Gavin asked.

"I wanna know why you're assaulting my damn son!"

"Oh, so he's your son now, is he?"

Hank glared at him, "Yes! He might aswell be my-" he stopped talking before continuing, "Wait. Since when do you refer to androids as 'he'?! The fuck has gotten into you?!"

Gavin had to keep his reputation so he said, "Slip of the tongue, Lieutenant. It's still merely a piece of plastic to me."

That hurt Connor. A lot more than he would like to admit.

He knew that Gavin was just trying to keep up the whole 'I am an asshole who hates androids' reputation... But it still made his metal heart ache with hurt.

The Lieutenant stepped towards Gavin, "Next time I catch you hurtin' him. I will have you off this fuckin' force." he threatened.

"I'd like to see you try..." Gavin smirked.

Hank then pushed past him and grabbed Connor's arm, pulling him up off the couch and towards the door.

"H-Hank, it's quite all righ-"

"No." Hank cut the android off, "I don't want you near this asshole, Connor."

"I-" Connor tried to tell Hank that it was okay.

"No need to thank me!" he exclaimed, pushing Connor out of the door in front of him. He had his hands on the android's back, pushing him towards the car, "Don't fuckin' talk to him again, Reed!" he called back once Connor had climbed into the backseat.

"Make me, dipshit!" Gavin replied.

Hank cursed under his breath as he sat in the front seat and started the car up.

Connor looked out the window towards Gavin's door. Despite it being dark outside,  Connor had seen the apologetic smile that Gavin had gave him. He nodded in return.


"I told you to call me if shit was going wrong, Connor." Hank said, eyes focused on the road as Connor distracted himself with his coin between his fingers.

"It wasn't going wrong. We were simply talking."

"Looks like the asshole was about to attack you. That's far from talkin'."

Connor looked out of the window, "I can assure you. I would have been fine."

"Next time, I won't go so easy on him." Hank warned.

Gavin was on Connor's mind throughout the whole ride home. He had seemed so hostile when he indirectly called him 'plastic'. That still hurt, that's for sure. Maybe he still had some sort of hatred towards androids deep down?

Connor really hoped that that wasn't the case.

Something in Connor's pocket then vibrated which caused the coin in the android's hands to falter. He put the coin away before reaching into his other pocket.

A phone.

Oh yes.

Gavin had given him it a few days before they started dating. He said that it would help Connor become more human-like by experiencing texting, phone calls, memes, tumblr - that kind of thing.

Gavin had also been kind enough to get it upgraded so Connor's android fingers could actually use the touch-screen.

He swiped the screen to see that there was a 'text message'.

Not So Different | Connor x Gavin Reed | Detroit Become Human StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя