Chapter 19: Drunken Buzz

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Connor had powered through eleven beers before he started to feel what humans would call 'tipsy'. But he didn't stop there.

Gavin had offered to pay but Connor assured him that it was fine, paying for them himself. He also paid for a few of Gavin's drinks.

Gavin had oinly had three beers, not really in the mood to get drunk.

Lara was on her phone for the majority of the night, talking over what they had discovered at the Eden Club with Gavin and NIner.

"Gonna message Fowler." Gavin told Connor as he pulled out his phone.

Gavin: Yo Fowler. i know its fuckin 2am but wanted to ask ya something

Fowler: You're fucking lucky that I'm still at work, Reed. I would've fired your ass if you woke me up at this fucking time.

Gavin: yea yea wanted to know if Connor could be reassigned to the case im doin with lara

Fowler: Are you fucking serious? First you both mess me around not wanting to do the case together and now you do?!

Gavin: connor is one of the best detectives u hv captain. u cant deny that shit

A few minutes went by before Fowler replied.

Fowler: Last time, Reed. This is the last time either of you mess me around. I've assigned Connor to the case and all four of you are to attend the Eden Club tomorrow night at 11pm sharp. The owner should be arriving at around midnight.

Gavin: owe u one fowler

Fowler: Fuck off.

Gavin chuckled to himself before returning his phone to his pocket. He then leaned his head against Connor's shoulder, "Fowler said you can join us at the Eden Club tomorrow night."

"G-Good. Th-That's good." Connor said, his voice sounding almost static.

Gavin removed his head from the android's shoulder to get a good look into Connor's eyes.

"What's up with him?" Lara asked.

Connor's pupils were blown and his fingers were tapping on the table.

"Con-" Gavin started but was cut off.

"Diiiiid you know..." Connor began, "Did you know that I'm a deviant? Bet you didn't." his voice was definitely static.

"Uhh... Yeah kinda already knew that, Con."

"Nope. You didn't. Cuz I didn't even know until about five minutes ago!"

Gavin raised an eyebrow towards Lara who simply shrugged in confusion, "I thought you knew about that months ago." Gavin said.

"You are mistaaaken. I'm a real deev right now."

"A real... deev?" Lara questioned.

"Short for deviant. I like it. Do you like it? I think we should all adopt the name deev. It has so many meanings to it I can barely count. I mean. Who wouldn't want to be called a deev. It's kinda like diva. That's weird. My systems seem to be overheating, wouldn't you know? ALSO. Did you know... That I like dogs."

Niner just rolled his eyes, clearly aware of the situation.

"Already knew that too, Con..." Gavin paused before a smile appeared on his face, "Connor?"

Not So Different | Connor x Gavin Reed | Detroit Become Human StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang