Chapter 4: Triggers

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"Now you take care of Sumo, all right? I don't want him half dead by the time I get back."

"You can count on me, Hank. Sumo will be perfectly fine in my care."

Hank groaned, opening the front door, only to be met with cold rain, "He better be. No house parties or anything like that, you got it?"

"Got it." Connor nodded, "Have a safe trip."

Hank waved him off before heading towards his car, just as he was about to get into the driver's seat he called, "Give me a call if Gavin gives you any shit, okay? I will call Fowler and have him kick the shit outta Reed."

"Y-Yeah. Sure..." Connor said.

The Lieutenant eyed the android... Something was wrong with him, "Maybe I should stay here instead, Connor, eh? You seem a bit off and I wouldn't like to leave you like this."

"Wh-What?" Connor questioned, "No! Trust me, Hank. I will be fine. I have self-tested recently and everything came up all clear. I am in a comfortable state."

"Fuckin' hell..." Hank muttered, "When are you gonna stop talkin' like a damn android?"

Connor smiled, "Never."

"Yep. Okay. I'm definitely leaving. Not seeing you for a few days is like a dream come true." he stated, entering the car before calling, "Goodnight!"


The android sat on the couch, Sumo wandering around his legs, "I must apologise, Sumo. But I cannot allow you to intake anymore food as my scans tell me that you have reached your required amount."

Sumo barked in response, still nudging Connor's legs.

He then stood up, "Don't tell Hank." he headed into the kitchen to retrieve more food to pour into Sumo's bowl, "That's enough though." he stated when he had finished pouring.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

Connor's artificial breath caught in his throat, his metallic heart thumping quick and as Thirium coarsed throughout his body.

He shakily put the bag of food down before heading towards the door. His hand hovered the door handle. He tried his best to compose himself as he slowly opened to door.

"What's up, Con." Gavin winked, stepping into the house. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to get rid of as much rain water as possible.

Connor's eyes followed his hand as he stepped further into the house, "H-Hello, Gavin. It's good to see you again." he closed the door. As he turned around, Gavin had him pinned up against the door - his hands on the android's waist.

"Always good to see you too." he teased, giving the android a feather-light kiss against his lips. He then leaned forward to rest his head against Connor's chest, arms wrapping tight around his waist.

Connor was completely caught off guard by everything. He decided that affectionate Gavin was his favourite type of Gavin.

Not tough guy Gavin.

He hated that Gavin. A lot more than he would like to admit.

He finally put his own arms around Gavin and rested his head against his shoulder.

Hank was going to kill him. Kill them both. Just so he could cleanse his eyes for good.

"I'm sorry..." the Detective mumbled against him, his hands caressing the android's back gently.

Connor simply nodded as he placed a kiss on Gavin's neck, causing the man to shiver.

Gavin pulled back and patted Connor on the cheek, "Come on then. I wanna drink."

Not So Different | Connor x Gavin Reed | Detroit Become Human StoryWhere stories live. Discover now