Chapter 41: Together Again

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"No, Niner... I can't go work today..." Gavin groaned into his pillow, "I feel like shit."

"I knew this would happen." Niner said, glaring down at the man, "I told you that drinking would be a bad idea." He then leaned forward to dab to fingers to Gavin's hair.

"The fuck are you doin'?!" Gavin asked, flipping over to look at Niner who was putting his fingers to analyse, "That's disgusting."

"I'm only analysing you through the use of your sweat. I wasn't going to kiss you or anything like that. This is the only way." his LED went yellow for a brief moment, "Perhaps it might be best for you to stay here. The mixture of your hangover and your stress have a high chance of causing an extreme mood swing. The Captain won't be happy about that."

Gavin flipped back over to bury his face into the pillow and groan, "I wanted to go into work today..."

"You're Cyclothymia has been at an all time high recently, Gavin. I'm sure you will survive for another day."

"What if I die right here?"

"Then that will be one less mouth to feed." Niner smirked, leaning against the wall.

"You're an asshole." Gavin mumbled.

Niner nodded, "Thank you." his eyes drifted to the bedside table, "You didn't even drink any of the water." he picked up the glass before going to leave the room, "I'll get you some fresh water and then I will head out. I will inform the Captain of your situation once I arrive at the station."

Gavin muttered a thanks as Niner left the room.

His head was pounding, his throat was dry, he felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest. He felt awful.

He flipped onto his back, trying to cool down. Niner entered the room with a glass of water in his hand. Gavin opened his arms out to him, "Hug me, Niner."

"Fuck off." Niner simply said, placing the water on the bedside table.

"I need some lovin'. I feel like I deserve at least a hug."

"I'm not hugging you."

"Rude." Gavin groaned, dropping his arms.

Niner ignored his comment, "You stress me out a lot when you're drunk, just to let you know."

"I don't remember anythin'. Feel free to punch me if I offended you."

"You didn't offend me. And even if you did, it wouldn't be your fault. You had a lot to drink."

Gavin's hands came up to cover his face, "Please... I didn't embarass myself did I?"

"Not in public, no. Well... You sang 'Girlfriend' and 'Marry You' out the car window." he paused, "You also managed to handcuff yourself and then say that you were trying to do a magic trick." he stopped as Gavin let out another groan, "You also told me that you would make great wife material."

"I hate myself..."

"Also. Who the hell is Glados?"

"What?" Gavin asked in confusion.

"You threatened to smash bottles over everyone's heads and then you said you would replace my regulator with a baked potato whilst shouting for someone called Glados."

"Ah." Gavin said, reaching over to the glass of water, "Don't worry about. It was just a robot in a potato."

"I'm not even going to ask." Niner replied before walking towards the door, "Can I take your car?"

Gavin nodded, "Go for it." he took a long gulp of the water, "Can you get me some shit whilst you're out? Like I dunno... antidepressants or whatever the fuck I need."

Not So Different | Connor x Gavin Reed | Detroit Become Human StoryWhere stories live. Discover now