Chapter 35: Cheating

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Connor's arms tightened around Gavin's neck, pulling him in as close as possible. Gavin's hands gently placed on the android's waist. The android quickly pulled off Gavin's jacket and tossed it to the floor before replacing his arms around his neck.

Gavin pulled his mouth away from Connor's, "Gotta be quiet." he smirked, "Don't want Niner gettin' pissed off." he loosened the tie around the android's neck.

Connor nodded, trying hard to not let the groan escape his mouth as he felt Gavin's lips attack his neck. He was then quickly moved so his back was flat against the couch, Gavin hovered over him as his teeth dug into the side of the android's neck. Connor tilted his head back, his eyes closing. He felt Thirium rush to his face.

He then felt Gavin's knee press into him, causing a moan to seep through his closed lips.

"Shhh..." Gavin chuckled, his tongue tracing over the mark on the android's neck. The taste of Thirium was definitely strange.

Connor's hands came up to grip Gavin's waist hard, trying to distract himself. He then felt one of Gavin's hands rake through his hair. Gavin's lips were on his again. His systems started to overheat as he felt a tightness in his stomach.

Connor felt his heart beat faster as Gavin's hand began to palm him through his trousers before slowly unzipping them.

"Hey, there's a car outside and- NO. STOP. RIGHT NOW." they hadn't heard Niner come down the stairs...

Gavin smirked against Connor's lips, his tongue quickly plunging into his mouth.

"WHY WON'T YOU STOP?!" Niner had started to think that Connor might have been a sex robot in his past life... Niner quickly walked over to where Connor's jacket had been thrown to the floor, he retrived the phone in his pocket, "If you won't stop I will make you stop!"

Connor tried to pull away from Gavin but the hand on his jaw made him stay.

A few moments later, Connor heard...

"Connor! It's fuckin' 3am!"

"Hank! Niner here! Your son is performing a demonic act right in front of my eyes! I will be scarred forever if you don't get over here and put a stop to it! I'm sure you know what I am talking about!"

"WHAT?!" Connor could hear Hank's voice on the other end before the line went dead.

"What you do that for, Niner?" Gavin asked, finally pulling away from Connor's mouth to take in a deep breath. He then let out a groan of annoyance, climbing off of Connor to stand.

"You said you wouldn't be doing this whilst I am in the house! Don't blame me!"

"We kinda got carried away." Gavin chuckled, his thumb coming up to wipe away the excess Thirium from his bottom lip.

Connor sat up, clearly frustrated. His hand came up to his hair to try and neaten it the best he could.

"Look. There is a car outside and-" Niner was cut off by a knock at the door, "And I know who it is." he said, worry lacing his voice.

"It's fuckin' 3am! What could someone possibly want?!" Gavin went over to open the door.

"N-No. Wait-" Niner said as Gavin's hand was firmly pressed against the door handle.

"What's wrong?" Connor asked, his voicy shaky as he tried to calm himself and cool down.

A loud bang came from the door again, "Whoever it is, they don't sound happy." Gavin stated, before opening the door.

Connor stood up on shaky legs as he noticed Lara entering the house.

"The fuck are you doin' with my android!?" she questioned, pushing past Gavin.

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