Chapter 1: One Month Anniversary

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( Connor x Gavin | Just My Type ^ Video Above )

I TRIED to make Gavin as in character as possible. I think I might have failed. Enjoy!

The first day Connor had returned to work Gavin gave him shit. He called him plastic over and over again. He called him a dipshit, just a machine, etc etc.

That was before he realised that the android actually had emotions.

Connor had stood up for himself after the 93rd insult (yes he has been counting). Hank had also been at his side giving Gavin an earfull, threatening to kick the shit out of him if he were to talk to Connor like that again.

Gavin was in shock. In shock over the fact that the android actually felt hurt. He didn't even know that was possible.

Over the next few days he felt like an asshole. Sure, he still threw a few minor insults here and there but... he still felt fucking awful.

He felt confused.

What was happening inside of him and why did his heart seem to stop working whenever Connor showed any hint of emotion around him.


Now four months later... He knew the answer as to why his heart seemed to stop.

"Hey, dipshit." Gavin smirked towards Connor, "Bring me a coffee."

Connor raised his eyebrow at him, "Bring me a coffee....." he waited.

"You're really gonna make me say it, aren't ya?" Gavin questioned with a groan.

Connor nodded, "Yes."

He looked around the precinct to make sure nobody was listening, "Bring me a coffee... Please." The android smiled and nodded before he slipped past Gavin and headed towards the break room.

Gavin smiled to himself as he watched Connor walk away, "Fuckin' androids..."

A few moments later, the Detective decided to join Connor in the break room, "So I was thinking..." he said once he entered.

Connor was leaning against the counter, coffee machine already whirring away, "'Thinking'?" he questioned, "You need a brain to be able think, Gavin."

Gavin was about to make a whitty remark about Connor not having an actual brain himself, but he refrained, "Ha ha, very funny, asshole." he took a few steps towards the android, "But seriously..." Gavin placed his hands on either side of Connor on the counter, effectively blocking him in, "My place. Tonight. What do ya say?"

The android tilted his head at him, "How would we solve our recent cases at your house, Detective? It might be best for me to stay here at the station-"

"Cases aside, Connor." he hushed him, "And I've told you before... Call me Gavin. Not Detective. Not Reed."

With a nod, Connor smiled, "Of course, Gavin."

One of Gavin's hands came up to Connor's jaw while his other remained on the countertop, "Look, I know androids don't need to eat. But-"

"But you want me to come and intake sustenance despite me not actually requiring it." Connor finished.

"Something along those lines.... I think?" Gavin replied, not really understanding what the fuck the android had just said.

Even after he became a Deviant... Connor was still so 'android-y' - as Gavin would put it. But he didn't mind too much.

That's what made Connor so unique.

Connor's LED flashed yellow before asking, "Why would you want me to come over and have food, Gavin? Especially if there is no need for me to eat-"

Not So Different | Connor x Gavin Reed | Detroit Become Human StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin