Chapter 28: Broken

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Maybe, some part of you just hates me
You pick me up and play me
How do we call this love?

One time, tell me you need me tonight
To make it easy, you lie
And say it's all for love

How do we call this love?
Why do we call this love?

(This song fits so well oml - Me And My Broken Heart by Rixton)


"Gavin... Please..." Connor arrived at Gavin's house, "Please... I want to stay with you."

Gavin shook his head, sitting down on the couch, "No, Connor. You don't. You don't want anything."

"I know what I want, Gavin." he took a step towards the man, "And I want you. I need you. You're the only one who makes me feel alive.."

"You're fuckin' delusional, Connor." Gavin groaned.

"I love you." Connor tried to convince.

Gavin chuckled, "I really don't care..." he paused before standing, "I can't make a machine feel alive. Noone will ever be able to make a machine feel alive." he walked closer towards Connor.

"G-Gavin?" Connor was confused by his words.

"I hate androids, Connor. I always have and I always will. They are fuckin' worthless pieces of plastic."

"Y-You don't mean that." Connor took a step back as Gavin got closer.

"Really? You think I don't fuckin' mean that?" Gavin backed him into a wall, "I do. I mean every last bit of it you fucking tin can."


"Shut. Up." Gavin exclaimed, a gun suddenly in his hand and pressed to Connor's forehead, "Shut... Up. I suggest you close your eyes so you don't see it coming, robot boy."

Connor felt tears well in his eyes, "I-"

"Stop it with those stupid fake tears of yours! I've always hated 'em! You're programmed to say the shit you say and do the things you do! You don't feel pain. You don't feel fear. You don't feel love. You're just a machine with errors in your damn software."

"I do have emotions." Connor assured, his voicy shaky.

"It would be easier for me to kill you, Connor. I wouldn't have to worry about seeing your face around anymore. I wouldn't have to watch what I say. And everytime your fixed and you come back... You're gonna get another bullet through your fucking head."


Gavin fired the gun, Connor instantly shut down.


"Connor! You're gonna be fuckin' late!"

Connor shot up in bed, his systems were extremely hot and his stress levels were high.

He looked around, scanning his surroundings to try and get his bearings. Since when did androids dream? Since when did androids have nightmares? 

He had went into sleep-mode again, his systems still needing time to repair.

Now he was scared.

Was Gavin actually going to be like that the next time he saw him?

"Connor!" Hank's voice again. The man entered the room, "Fowler will be on your case if you don't go in! Since when are you late to work?!"

"M-My apologies, Hank." he said, still shaky. Connor could tell that Hank was tired. The night shift must've been hard.

Hank sighed before walking towards Connor and sitting on the edge of the bed next to him, "You okay, Connor?" he noticed the android's fearful expression and red LED.

Not So Different | Connor x Gavin Reed | Detroit Become Human StoryWhere stories live. Discover now