Chapter 38: Best Friends

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"She definitely used your Cyclothymia to her advantage." Niner's hands rummaged through drawers. Gavin sat on the edge of Lara's bed observing the android, "The drug she used on you heavily confused you. Your Cyclocthyma came into play when it came to your need for... sexual desires. Before she used the drug on you, you were not in need of any sort of affection at all. After she used the drug... You were. Your Cyclothymia caused you to have an extreme mood swing after the drug took effect."

"My head hurts..." Gavin groaned.

Niner rolled his eyes, his hands still going through drawers, "Drug makes you want sex. It confused your body, causing you to do irrational actions."

"That's a simpler way of sayin' it."

"You weren't completely consensual within this situation, Gavin. This is serious."

"Fuckin' hell..." Gavin muttered, "She's crazy."

"She is." Niner agreed.

Gavin replied, "You still haven't told me how she did it."

"Lipgloss. It's the only explanation." he said, "I remember seeing her put it on... But i'd never seen her actually use it before. It was new. That has to be the only way."

"You're... Smart."

"Yes. I am."

Gavin chuckled shakily, the truth finally seeping into his brain, "Alright, smartass." he stood up from the bed, "Lets just..." he cleared his throat, "Find this shit and put her behind bars."

The android's eyes drifted to Gavin who had started to look through Lara's wardrobe. Niner knew that Gavin was upset now knowing that Lara probably did take advantage of him. Gavin was just trying to keep up his tough guy act and pretend like the whole situation didn't affect him at all.


"What?" Gavin's voice was firm.

"I think you just need to sit down and let me look around."

Gavin turned around to look at him, "The fuck? Why?"

"You're clearly upset." Niner said calmly, "You're heartbeat is going at an extreme rate and it's making your stress levels rise."

"I'm perfectly fine, Niner." Gavin said, annoyance in his voice.

Niner just glared at him.

He then suddenly walked towards him and lifted him over his shoulder, "H-Hey! Put me down you plastic asshole!"

Niner rolled his eyes, "Haven't heard you say that shit in a while." the android exited the bedroom and headed towards the stairs.

"Put me down, Niner!" Gavin's hands gripped onto the doorframe, trying to stop Niner from walking any further.

"I am not letting you have an intense mood swing, dipshit." Niner groaned, managing to pull Gavin away from the doorframe. He began walking down the stairs, "The last one you had was at the Eden Club and I am not going to stand here and watch you slowly break down. You're lucky to be in somewhat control of your emotions."

"Just fuckin' put me down!"

"Stop acting like a tough guy. You're only human."

Gavin huffed as he slumped over the android's shoulder. He let out a loud groan, "You're pissing me off..."

"You're such a child."

"Alexa, this is so sad, play Despacito."

Niner put Gavin on the couch before saying, "No. Alexa. Stop."

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