Chapter 45: Visual Defect

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(I honestly want to say thank you to everyone for the support for this fanfiction!)

"Fuck off, plastic. Let me go." Gavin said, trying to escape the bed.

Connor held onto his waist tight, "You need to calm down first." he said, trying not to let Gavin's words affect him too much.

"Fuck. You. I don't need to calm down. I am perfectly fuckin' fine."

Connor put a hand to the back of Gavin's neck before resting his chin on top of the man's head, "This is why you shouldn't drink and take Lithium at the same time, love." he said as he could feel Gavin's fast heartbeat and rising temperature.

"Let. Me. Go." Gavin groaned against Connor's throat.

The android quickly leaned down to press his lips to Gavin's, "Be quiet for five minutes." he gave him a reassuring smile. Gavin clenched his fists which were currently holding onto the back of Connor's shirt. Connor carefully ran a hand through Gavin's hair in an attempt to calm him down.

Gavin continued to try and escape Connor's grasp but the android held him tight as he pressed soft kisses to the man's neck.

Gavin placed a kiss to Connor's throat as his hands relaxed on the android's back, "I'm sorry, babe." he muttered, "I feel like I'm going crazy."

"We can go out today. Do something to take your mind off it." Connor suggested, his hand rubbing the Gavin's back soothingly.

A smirk appeared on Gavin's face as he leaned up to peck Connor's lips, "I can think of a few things to take my mind off it..." he said, pushing Connor onto his back before hovering over him with his legs on either side of the android's waist.

Connor couldn't stop the Thirium from rising to his cheeks as he turned his head away from Gavin, "Well I... I don't think that that's a wise idea. Especially since we're in Hank's house."

"Didn't stop you last time." Gavin said, placing a hand on Connor's jaw and turning his head back to look at him. He leaned down to press his lips to Connor's, "I'm sorry." he groaned before fighting Connor's tongue with his.

Connor's hands then moved to the back of Gavin's neck to deepen the kiss as his LED went red. Gavin moaned as he felt one of Connor's hand move up into his hair.

Both Gavin and Connor could get used to this coping mechanism...

Suddenly, the bedroom door was swung open causing Gavin to pull his lips away from Connor's, "Up! Get up and get out!" Niner exclaimed as he covered his eyes with his hand, "The Lieutenant wants you gone! He doesn't give a shit that you're here because he kicked in Gavin's door. He just wants you gone as soon as possible."

"You can look if you want, Nines. I won't mind." Gavin chuckled.

"I'm good. But thanks for the offer."

"We are decent, Niner. Gavin is messing with you."

Niner slowly moved his hand away from his face. Gavin quickly jumped off of Connor, ignoring his headache, "Jesus! What the fuck happened to you, Niner?!" Connor sat on the edge of the bed, scanning Niner's injury.

"It's okay." Niner assured.

"That does not look okay!" Gavin exclaimed.

Niner's left eye was white with blue cracks in it. A small portion of dried Thirium was around the socket, "Fawkes really doesn't like androids."

"What did he do?" Connor asked.

"Taser to the face. The electricity partially fried my visual systems. Hopefully my self-repair feature will start soon."

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