Chapter 13: Off Work Early

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(Just a taste of what I was listening to whilst writing this damn chapter lmao - the Connor x Gavin feels have got me good)

"Hey, babe. Got you some coffee." Gavin said, placing the mug on the android's desk before he took a sip from his own.

Connor raised an eyebrow, "The amount of coffee you drink is concerning."

He just shrugged, "It's the only shit that tastes good to me."

"Thanks." Connor smiled as he picked up the mug, allowing the heat to fill the palm of his hand, his coolers were doing a good job to keep the temperature down.

Gavin leaned against Connor's desk, "So what's happening with this case?"

It had been two days since Connor had told Fowler that he refused to do the case despite him sorta making up with Gavin. That was one less thing he had to worry about.

"Not doing it. Told the Captain that I didn't want to do it with you so he took both of us off it and assigned two new Detectives to it. Gives us less to work to do."

"Smart thinking." Gavin nodded, downing half of his coffee.

Connor placed the mug back onto his desk before grabbing a handful of papers, "I have to get these to the Captain." he stood up and went to head towards Fowler's office.

He then felt Gavin's hand pat his ass on his way, "Couldn't help myself, dipshit." Gavin winked as Connor looked over his shoulder at him.

Connor smiled as he then looked back at his destination and headed for it. Walking up the stairs with caution as he gripped the papers tight.

Gavin's eyes then roamed over Connor's computer, looking at all the different files that were open. He narrowed his eyes as one particular file caught his eye, "What the fuck..." he muttered to himself as he looked at a photo of a familiar face, "Jamison Fawkes..." he said to himself before anger flooded through him.

(Anyone get the game reference? XD 'Jamison Fawkes' is just a name I've used from a game I play!)

He then stormed towards the Captain's office, slamming the door behind him as he entered, "What the fuck do you want, Reed?" Fowler asked, clearly annoyed.

"You let fucking Jamison Fawkes go?!"

"They did?" Connor asked with worry.

"Yes. We let him go with a fine."

Gavin grew more angry, "Why the fuck would you let an asshole like that on the streets?!"

"I let you go out onto the streets, don't I? Nothing different."

"There is a helluva lot of difference between me and that piece of shit! I wouldn't shoot an android out of cold blood!"

"You wouldn't?!" Fowler asked in shock.

"That asshole practically killed Connor... And you let him walk away."

"Careful, Reed. By the way you're sounding, you might make me think you care for Connor."

Gavin quickly shook his head as he placed his hands on Fowler's desk and leaned forward, "Why would I care for a piece of-" he bit his tongue, his head turned to look at Connor. Connor had a hint of sadness spreading across his face.


"Cat got your tongue, Reed?" Fowler glared at him.

He had to admit it.

It was now or never.

"Okay, fine! I care for Connor! I fuckin' love him to bits, okay? That's why I'm pissed that you let Fawkes go!" Gavin admitted as he glared back at Fowler.

Not So Different | Connor x Gavin Reed | Detroit Become Human StoryWhere stories live. Discover now