Drowning- Jaeden Leiberher

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You sat in the car. Your dress swaying over your knees, your black heels glimmering by the light.

"Hey you okay?" Jaeden, your boo friend for two months asked you grabbing your hand inside of yours. You nodded and took a breath. The whole cast was there, but they never heard you and Jaeden.

"Ok guys we're here" the driver announced hoping out of the car walking over to Jaeden's side and opening the door. Jaeden got out and winked at you.
Walking to your side he pulled the handle and held his hand out, grabbing it you got out and cameras started flashing everywhere blinding you, "yea, take a look at the meme king" Jack said getting in a weird superhero pose.

Your breath got caught in your throat. Questions were being asked bouncing off everywhere.
Jaeden knew about your anxiety attacks, and he would help you through them.

But this. This was way worse. "Ms. Y/l/n!" "Y/n l/n can I have a word!?" "How was Playing Jessica, was it fun!" Questions coming at you.

Sooner or later a lot of people were crowding you, you couldn't move lips parted and trying to get what you had of air. Heart beating fast. You kept the small smile on your face it stayed there.

"Stop she can't handle it!" Jaeden yelled but that didn't seem to work. "Jaeden" you whispered "stop, stop!" He yelled, squeezing himself through he grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the crowd. And ran to a quiet space, engulfing you in a hug your breathing was steady and you gripped onto his sleeve. "I'm tired of this Jae" "what do you mean?" You looked up at him "I'm tired of Drowning in anxiety, and I can't do anything!" He squeezed you tighter. "It's okay, you did good, we're gonna get through this." You nodded and hugged him.

"No more Drowning."

This was a fucking short piece of shit....

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