Heartbreak- Eddie Kaspbrak

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Enjoy 😊

You were getting ready to head out with the losers to the barrens. You've had a huge crush on Bill since you joined the club, but you somewhat knew that he wouldn't be yours though. (AWw so sAd! I DONT CARREE)
Richie, Eddie, and Ben all knew that you had a crush on Bill, but to your luck they never told a soul...well you threatened Richie that you would cut his dick off and beat his ass.

But what you didn't know, was that Eddie liked you, more than you could imagine. He thought that you could do better than Bill. He got jealous of him, the way you looked at him, and the way you smiled every time he did something. He just wanted you to focus on him. But he also wanted to try and support you through everything.

You were riding your bike with everyone, except for Bill and Beverly. You guys were riding to her house first.

Surprisingly Bills bike was in the front. Richie being the rude fuck he is walked up to the door and rammed it open without knocking. The sight you were seeing was unbelievable able. "Woah there buddy! I thought you're were going to the barrens, not making out" Richie yelled.

Eddie immediately went to your side and looked at you patting your back. With sorry in his eyes.

Turning around you had to make an excuse for leaving so sudden. "I- I....uh, I'm gonna go to the barrens without you guys" you spoke trying not to burst into tears. "I'll wait for you guys there" you spoke loud enough for them to hear you.

Walking down the stairs you grabbed your bike and road the path to your house. A block away you couldn't hold in the rivers anymore, the damm broke and the water poured out.

Going into your garage you threw down your bike and closed the huge door to the house.
Running into your room, no one was home. So you could scream and sob all you wanted.

Meanwhile with the others

"Guys she's heading the way to her house" Stanley pointed out causing Eddie to snap his head towards your direction. You were already out of sight but he knew you were close to your house since it wasn't that far.

"Uh-" Eddie didn't say anything else, but instead of running and jumping on his bike. Riding to your house.


Eddie running up to your door he knocked hopelessly on it. Over and over again. Sighing in defeat...he ran to the back of your house and climbed the latter that was always there when one of the losers wanted to hang with you when you were sick, or grounded. He looked to see the curtains closed and grumbled.

Knocking on your window he heard a faint "go away......please" sighing he knocked again. "Y/n please! I'm not leaving until you open up this fucking window and let me in" he retorted and heard a bed creak and soft footsteps coming towards him.
God damn you can hear anything if it's pitch quiet.

You opened up the curtains and started at Eddie. "You can open the window too y'know" he remarked. You stared at him and whispered quietly "but what if I don't want to?" "You're going to" "what if I don't" "then....I'll.......I'll uhh, y/n can you unlock the window" he begged. "..." without any other words you unlocked it and He climbed in, and closed the window.

Sighing and turning back around he stared at you until your broke out again, going into his arms. "Shh, y/n it's okay.. I never expected him to do this, none of us did either..it's okay" he whispered into your ear and he held you in a tight embrace.

Calming down a bit, he brought you to your bed and sat down as you laid on his lap. "I knew it" "knew what?" "Everything, every time he looked at Beverly, there was stars in them, he would barely talk to me when she was around...and that would be almost everyday" you complained to him. As he was running his fingers through your hair.

"Maybe I should just get over him...sooner or later I'll fall for someone else hopefully" you whispered catching Eddie's full attention since he was playing with your hair. "Get over him?" He asked. "Mhm" "o-oh.." his tone caused you to turn around and look at him. "Eddie you okay?" You softly asked him sitting up and looking at him. "Yea, I am.....y/n can I tell you something" he whispered making you nod your head.

"I have this crush- and.." this made your heart ache a bit, you had a crush on Eddie but thinking that he liked some one else, and that he was way out of your league, you moved them to the back of your head and then fell into Bill but that got crushed as well. Now Eddie talking about his crush on some girl those old memories started rewinding and coming back up causing you to Sad...again. . "..and she's nice, and short, and she's an real angel, she can make me smile whenever I'm down, and will always be there for me, yea she wasn't always there for me. She's really pretty and smart and her smile is so beautiful that it makes me all giddy inside. But how do I tell her I love her?" He said looking down at you with a price of hope in his eyes. "Tell her everything you just said...." she spoke in a low whisper. "But I just did.....what's next?" He bellowed causing you to look up at him and your eyes go wide a bit. "Eddie...."

"Yes?" You sighed and sat up looking at him. "Why did this tell me sooner" "you were all in love with Bill that I didn't want you to stop being in love with him...because you seemed like it was all him in your mind" you placed a hand on his chin and rubbed your thumb on his cheek. "Eddie...I love you too, but what if I get hurt again...what will happen to our relationship?" You wept causing him to slightly smile and grab your hand. "Nothing is gonna happen, and I will make sure of it" he smiled at you, as you did the same to him.

Leaning in he caught the memo and leaned in too. Your lips meeting his lips, they felt soft and comforting. Pulling away you smiled at him.

"You're not gonna be heart broken anymore."

Ok so I'm gonna pas out and I don't want to because my phone is over my face. And I'm scared I'm gonna drop it if I pass out, so I'm gonna go to sleep. Sorry if there were any mistakes in here!! And I'll write a Bill x Reader tomorrow! But for now goodnight my little white painted ducklings. 🐥

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