Habit that annoys them

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When you're trying to say. Wednesday correctly but you just say wed-nes-day to see how it would really sound.

It annoys him when you crack your knuckles out of no where.! He just glares at you, and pushes your hands down.
-"nO..No, stOp"

He hates it whenever you guys are making out, you wiggle your tongue in a Up and down motion just for the fun of it.
-"y/nN sTopP!! YoUr bEiNg mEan!"

He thinks it stupid when you on purposely move your hands in a way when you talk to him or the crew. One time you were talking and you were moving your hands, so he brought his hands up and grabbed yours pushing them down to your sides.
-"hEy, I wAs uSing tHose!!"
-"WeLl dOnt uSe tHeM"

Yes he's a nice soft bean, but he will get slightly annoyed when you don't talk to him.
-"y/n talk to me....please?"

He gets annoyed when you say 'like' after every two or four words when your talking, sooner or later you would start giggling when he just glares at you playfully.
-"ok like I'm sorry"
-"please stop"
-"ok I'm sorry"
-"it's okay"

She will be PISSED when you just put contour over your boobs. Like one day when you walked to her house with it on, she filled up a bucket of water and poured it on you, you were standing on her porch.
-"wIpe tHat sHiT oFf"
-*mentally laughing to yourself*
*accidentally dies*

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