thicc. | e

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bill denbrough
• thick or not, bill is always down to hug or cuddle. he's a clingy bby omg
• when alone, he would sit beside you and then once you're not paying attention he'd rest his head on your thighs without hesitation
• you'd look down to give him a confused look before brushing it off and running your fingers through his hair.
• "so cute."

richie tozier
•believe it or not, he doesn't slap your ass all the time. maybe just stares and places his hand on it
• when i say all the time i mean he still slaps it. only when you're not paying attention that is. sometimes roughly or hard doesn't matter a slap is still a slap
• he likes it when you sit down because they will expand and he finds that hot omg
• sometimes he'll squeeze
• "i like your ass."
• "you've said that 12 times."

eddie kaspbrak
• eddie is so shy and blushy about it omg
• he feels like if he even touches you, you would get so mad and ignore him, but you wouldn't
• he still doesn't touch. only hugs.
• he likes to stare though, and sometimes you catch him in the act.
• "caught you staring again, eddie"
• "oh.. sorry."

ben hanscom
• this boy is the exact same person as eddie
• he looks at you sometimes, but he doesn't touch you unless he asks for permission. we love consent.
• he'd want to cuddle or hug when you're both alone and your heart just explodes because he's so ducking cute about it.
• "can we cuddle?"
• "yes, ben."

mike hanlon
• he doesn't care about your body. but it is an addition in to why you're perfect in his eyes.
• he loves your body and you just the way you are.
• but sometimes he'd come behind you and wrap his arms around your waist just wanting your warmth because why not?
• he loves you okay !?
• "do i look good in this?"
• " why does it matter, you look good in anything no matter what."

beverly marsh
• clingy all day everyday omg
• if in a bad mood she'll just head straight to your home and barge in asking for hugs and cuddles
• rubs your thighs most of the time when you're upset
•she will or will not poke your butt just for the fun of it.
•can not keep her eyes off of you if you're wearing revealing clothes
• "like what you see?"
• "maybe"

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