You get annoyed

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You were sitting at your desk reading your books as Jaeden was laying on your bed asleep. Your annoying sister walked in and stared at him drooling "get out" You grumbled. "What if I don't want to" "then I'll force your dumb ass out GET OUT!" You yelled at her she scoffed and walked out. Looking at Jaeden he was looking at you. You sighed and he rubbed his eyes holding his arms out. Closing your book you got up and walked up to him laying next to him placing your head on his chest. "You got annoyed . . . . Really annoyed" you nodded. "I just want to lay with you right now."

You were on your period, being grumpy and having mood swings. Wyatt was at the store so you cuddled your pillow to keep you warm company, your sister was in your room doing what you asked (because she's a nice one) while your brothers kept messing with you.
One of them walked in with a smirk as you looked up at him "get out" he shook his head "I said GET OUT I have blood coming out of my vagina and I don't want to see any boys!" "so you don't want to see me?" Wyatt stepped inside of your room and had bags of junk food in his hands. "Babyyy!!!"

You were getting annoyed and you had a test tomorrow you were studying for. "What the hell is a- oh my god this is fucking bullshit! Bullshit!" You slammed your head on your desk immediately sitting up with pain "I'm an idiot" you heard the strum of a guitar and it immediately made you sigh "Finn?" "You're stressed and annoyed and I know that me playing music soothes you." He smiled as you smiled at him and looked back at your papers.

You were annoyed by the parrot jack got, you wanted to kill it. He always played with it and you got mad about it. No not like mad mad to where you wanted to break up with him, you were just annoyed of it "jack give me attention instead of Wanda!" You squealed jumping on his bed. "Hey y/n stop being a big baby!" You glared at him "I'm not!" "Wanda wants to say something" "y/n's a Queen! Y/n's a Queen" Wanda repeated making you smile and look at her "awww thank you Wanda" you pet her small head as jack opened his mouth "HEY you should be giving me the love." "Jack stop being a big baby!"

Your sister fell asleep in your room, and just to say she snores LOUD! So you got mad every snore that came out of her mouth "y/s/n SHUT UP!" You yelled but you just gave up and walked out of your room and out of the house, to Jeremy's. You knocked on the door and smiled as it opened "Jeremy! I missed you!" You jumped up and hugged him. "Ha y/n it's been 9 minutes." You looked at him pecked his lips "can I spend the night at your house I can't sleep over there." He nodded.

"Who is calling me!" You screamed forwarding every call you got. "Y/n why are you yelling?" Chosen slipped his head through the door "people keep calling me and I don't even know THEM and it's annoying me because I can't do anything!" He sighed and grabbed your phone. "Let's go to McDonalds" you squealed jumped up and squeezed him "yAy!!"

You were getting mad at Finn, you and him had more fans than the cast and you guys were going at each other because he was getting all the daddy comments. Sophia and the others couldn't help but laugh at you guys. "Shut up butt crack everyone knows that I'm daddy!!" He yells back at you "NO it seems like I'm more of a daddy than you are!" "Oh yea?" "Yea!" "Fine then, FATHER!" You walked to your seat and smirked. Typing on your story posting it you heard a sigh "Oh come on y/n 'Finn isn't daddy I am get it right guys' really?" Sophia asked you nodded.
"What it was getting annoying like I know I'm daddy I don't need a competition."

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