Memories- Jack D. Grazer

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These are random dates, couldn't remember when they actually broke, jUsT gO wItH iT!! 😃👍

Sitting down you were going through your old videos on your phone.
A tear slipping down your face as you watched every one of them. You broke up with him, on November 5th. Seeing that he cared for Ellie way more than you. And you guys just went off as friends, and you would say you were fine....but you weren't fine, you still loved him.

July 2, 2018

Y/n was recording herself, as she was sitting down playing her guitar as jack ran inside of the room, tripping and falling face first , getting up really quick and yelling "oW shit! I'm fine!"

August 4, 2018

Sitting down right beside jack y/n scooted closer to jack as he was staring at the camera. "So I was sitting there.." she started, grabbing a small hot sauce packet and opening it up putting it on her pink shirt over her chest area. "Hot sauce on my titties.." that broke jack causing him to die and fall off of the bed. "I'm oKay!hHahahAh!"

Missing those moments when every time you were down he would cuddle you and call you his meme queen, or just say you're his little Viner.

September 18, 2018

Jack was making a random video for YouTube until y/n an out of the bathroom with her hoodie on her head, but not without a mannequin head on the inside. Putting your hand on the rail for the stairs you said jacks name as smexy as ever and walked down like you were on the red carpet, but missed a stair and fell. All the way down you made a pose shaking it off like nothing happened. And then you yelled "that's how I roll."

But you noticed the look in his eyes when Ellie tagged along, the look of love..

October 6, 2018

You were sitting on the kitchen counter, jack taking the toaster strudel out of the toaster. You were making a video, for like no reason at all. You grabbed the lighter off of the microwave and pressed play on your phone to the song 'girl on fire' flicking on the fire you put it up to your head out pulled away and jumped off the counter yelling "sIkE yOu tHouGHt bItcH yOu tHougHt!" While jack just stared at you with a smile on his face.

November 1, 2018

You were sitting in the dining room table with jack behind you as you held the camera up. "When I'm sad" you started off, as jack made a silly face. You pulled up a knife and then said "I cut myself" that's when jacks face fell he stared wide eyed at you. You then turned around to be faced with chocolate cake. "A slice of cake bitch" you then retorted, jack walked out after you said cake, looking around seeing jack nowhere to be seen. You walked in the living room you saw him sitting on the couch. "AWw jack are you crying?" "*sniff* no"

Those days would always get you to smile but he's gone. Nothing could make you smile now..........


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