For a moment Temari watched her brother, and that rage resting in her beating heart banished for a moment as she watched her brother and memories flashed before her eyes. She remembered quite clearly when the two of you spent time together, even if it was work related, Gaara seemed happy and at peace. “Gaara, wait.” When the leader started to open the door wider to enter, she shouted without realizing it. Clearing her throat, she glanced to the side when the male turned around to face his sister. “I know that you think only for the wellbeing of our Village, and there is nothing wrong with it. But,” glancing at the ground with a glare, she continued, “you are as human as I am. I know she makes you happy, just make sure that once you finish whatever it is finished, find her.” With that, she headed to her own room leaving a big eyed red haired male.

Perhaps that was what he needed to hear, with a small smile on his face, he finally entered his room. His choice had been made from the very start, but now, now that had changed.

In a hospital bed, Kakashi laid unable to leave the hospital for the time being. All he had to entertain himself were books, and his own thoughts that at times prevented him from reading. Seating at his side on a chair rested his friend and rival, Might Guy. Said male, was of course in hospital as well, but most of the time, walked to Kakashi’s room. “This is a waste of my youthfulness.” The extravagant male groaned in defeat and pain as he moved slightly. His eyes trailed to his friend, noticing that thoughtful look on his face. “What’s up with you now?”

A moment passed without a word, before Kakashi decided to voice his thoughts. “Naruto came the other day, he said that Madara’s body, along with the other two were gone. He believes that they are probably alive.”

A serious expression replaced the annoyed on Might Guy. “Heh, is that so? That’s hard to believe, we all saw their condition, it would be impossible for them to be alive.”

“Even if that is true, it’s rather strange that their bodies were gone, and only their bodies.” Rubbing his face, Kakashi turned to his right side and threw his legs over the bed to take a seat.

“Then, I suppose we should be cautious, we never know. Though, even if the battle didn’t take place in the village, there were so many deaths that we will need time to recuperate. Besides, as soon as Madara was defeated, his so-called soldiers fled as soon as possible.” Trembling slightly, Might Guy rose to his feet and approached the window. It was a sunny day, such a waste.

“I know.” Then once more, the gray-haired male shut his lips tightly as he glared at the floor.

Upon the silence, Might Guy turned around and noticed the hunched form of his friend. A long sigh left his lips. “You’re worried about her, aren’t you?” Finally, he interrogated the other male, receiving no answer. “I’m sure she’ll return, but once she does, you better make a move, or I’ll will.” Jokingly, he knew that it was best to leave Kakashi and his thoughts alone.

Maybe…Maybe you’ll return one day and…Only time will tell. With that in mind, he decided to take a nap, because those negative thoughts were not going to do him any good.

These people were not the only ones affected by the past events, no, as Goro, Neji’s, Kiba’s team made decided to just take the day to rest and recuperate, their usually liveness was gone.

TenTen, oh, the girl was too devastated of the news. “I can’t believe it.” She muttered to herself, as she glanced at her broken arm. “They could be alive, and…” With a frown, she shook her head. "We're vulnerable at the moment and if they attacked, we won't be able to defend our village."

"I doubt that would be the case. Their bodies were in terrible condition, and we all were present when Sakura made sure that they were indeed dead." Neji offered his input on the subject.

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