Chapter 1

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Ahren's POV

I put my uniform on and fill up my water bottle for the game today. Last game of the playoffs. I slip my cleats on and tie the laces in a double knot. I walk out the door after grabbing my keys and try to turn my car on. "Fuck." I mutter quietly. "Piece of shit car. I'll have to call an Uber. I cannot miss this game."

I type in the address I need to get to and it says the guy should be here to pick me up in less than 10 minutes. I sit on my front porch and light a cigarette to pass the time. I flick the butt out from between my fingers and hop in the silver car that rolls in front of me.

"Hey, mate, I'm Ahren, thanks for driving me."

"It's my job." The driver laughs. "I'm Joel." He has slicked back chocolate brown hair, bright gray eyes, and a colorful body full of tattoos.

"Nice to meet you." I say back. While waiting for the drive to end, the driver tries to start a conversation.

"So what do you play?"

"Baseball. I'm a huge orioles fan. I just play on a rec team with a bunch of my mates."

"Oh, nice. Mind if I come watch, mate?" Joel asks.

I look up from my phone and raise an eyebrow. "No, not at all."

"Alright, thanks man." He looks in the rear view mirror and smiles at me.

What the hell is this guy's problem? Creepy.

We finally arrive at the parks and I grab my bag and walk to the feild. Joel follows close behind me and takes a seat in the metal stands.

I start to stretch and warm up, but all the players on my team were already throwing with someone and I had no one. So I decided I'd ask Joel if he'd throw since he looked lonely. He looked around as if he didn't know I was talking to him and pointed to himself in confusion.

"Yeah, you. Come throw with me."

Joel hops off the stairs and walks to me on the feild. "I don't have a glove."

I throw him a glove from the registration building. "Here. Now go over there and catch it."

Joel nods and runs to the other side of the feild. He put his glove up when I throw the baseball to him. He throws it back, hard.

"Bloody hell, mate. You've got yourself a hell of an arm." I shout.

"Thanks. Never played. Wonder where I got it from."

The other team starts showing up and Joel goes back to his spot in the stands.

First bat was a double, a close call.

Second bat was a strikeout.

Third bat was an out at first.

Fourth bat was a homerun.

Fifth bat was a caught pop fly. Three outs, my team's turn to play the outfeild.

Our pitcher threw the first pitch and the batter hit a line drive straight to the third baseman and hit him in the head. The ambulance was needed to be called, so we have one less player now.

The second baseman walks over to me and says, "We'll have to forfeit, Ahren. We've got no players left."

"Fuck." I really don't want to lose this game. "Wait a sec." I jog over to Joel in the stands and ask if he could play for us so we wouldn't have to forfeit.

"You fuckin' crazy, mate?"

"Yes, I am. Now come play with us. There's no way in hell I'm giving up a win to a playoff game."

"Sorry, Ahren, I don't want to ruin your chances of winning." He says.

I scoff. "I'll buy drinks if you want?"

"Hmm.. fine. Give me a glove." Joel finally caves in.

"Atta boy. Come on, get out there and kick some ass!"

We both run back on the feild. "Hey guys, this is my mate, Joel. He's gonna fill in for us so we won't have to forfeit."

Joel seems awkward as he moves towards third base.


The game was finished at 12-16, us. My team and I all ran around the bases after the game with our trophy in all of our hands.

"So where am I driving you now?" Joel asks.

"To the fuckin bar! No better way to celebrate than to drink, amiright?" I shout and punch his shoulder playfully.

"Alrighty then. To the bar."

We walk into the bar and I immediately order a round of drinks for everyone. We down our drinks, and I order a round of shots. Sour faces line the room as the bitter whisky shoots down their throats.

"Damn, Ahren, that stuff's strong!" Ryan yells, obviously trying to keep the whisky down.

"Not really, you're just a pussy!" The room erupts in laughter after I say that.

After a few more rounds of beer and shots, I stand up on the bar and raise my bottle. "To the playoffs!"

"Yeah!" My teammates yell.

"To that team we fuckin won against!"


I take a long sip of my beer. "And special thanks to my new friend Joel for helping us win tonight!" I finish the bottle and smash it on the ground.

I look at Joel drinking his beer and smile. That trophy is mine all thanks to a simple Uber driver. I walk over to him to make sure he heard me.

"Hey, man, you alright?" I ask him.

"Yeah. I'm great." Joel looks at the ground.

"Great. You have'n a good time?"

"Yeah, man, one of the best."

"Dude I'm fucking pissed, I dunno about you." I tell him as I lean on the table to try and keep my balance.

"Me too."

"I think it's best we don't take a car tonight." I suggest.

"Yeah, your place isn't so far from here is it?" Joel asks.

"Nah, jus a minute er two."

"This is gonna sound weird, but, mind if I crash at yer place?"

"No fucking problem. Let's get goin' fore we get too pissed." Joel finishes his beer and I pull his arm around my shoulder, cos obviously he's way more drunk than me.

He spits up on himself on the walk there. "Bloody hell, man, you got booze all over me."

I drag him into my house and lie him on my couch. I take his shirt off so he won't reek of beer and whisky when he wakes up. I have a double-take when I see his toned body. I'm not gay but damn..

I fall asleep drunk and wake up the next morning with a horrible hangover.

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