Gang Member

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Cheryl and Veronica were living in New York in a two bedroom apartment. They had been best friends since high school and had moved to new york together after they graduated.
Cheryl was working as a waitress at a small italian restaurant and Veronica was trying to find herself a job until she finally did after a few months.

"Cheryl! I finally got a job!" Veronica yelled as she got home from a job interview.

"what! that's amazing Ronnie. what will you be doing" Cheryl question her roommate

"i'm going to be a bartender!" she screamed out of excitement. Veronica was happy that she could stop using her fathers dirty money. Veronica wasn't really sure how her father made so much money, but she knew it wasn't legal.

" that's amazing now i can come into your work and tell you all about my problems" Cheryl told Veronica
"like you don't already do that" Veronica said laughing at her best friend
"well yeah I do but now you'll be getting paid while I do it" Cheryl said walking to the kitchen to grab a bottle of wine so they could celebrate.

Cheryl sat down on the couch with a bottle of wine and two glasses
" Tell me all about your interview"

" Okay well, I was walking down the street and i saw a sign that said hiring bartenders. I figured why not i'll give it a shot. I was not expecting to get the job but i guess they really needed someone, i mean I don't even have any experience in bartending! I walked in and saw a girl behind the bar and went to ask her about the job. She looked like she was about our age too. She told me to sit down and she would be right over. I figured she would go get her boss or something. But a few minutes later she cane to sit with me and asked what hours i could work and if i had any experience in bartending. I told her I could work whenever they needed me to and that i didn't have any experience. she was staring at me for a while which was kinda weird but then she said Okay, well I can probably just teach you what you need to know come here tomorrow at 2. I was shocked that i got the job I hadn't even told her my name at this point. When i realized that I hadn't I awkwardly told her that don't you need to know my name if i'm going to work here. She laughed a little and said I probably should've started with that question."

"wow, Ronnie are you sure if this job is an actual job" Cheryl laughed " I've never heard of an interview like that"

"I haven't even told you the weirdest part!" Veronica said sipping her wine

" when I told her that my name is Veronica Lodge she asked if I'm related to Hiram Lodge! I was shocked that she would know who my dad is. I told her that he's my dad and she said that's why you look so familiar, you're from Riverdale."

"what! so she's from riverdale!?" Cheryl asked confused

"I sat there for like 2 hours talking to her letting her know that i'm nothing like my father and that was the reason I needed a job to get away from his lifestyle. and yes she's from Riverdale she's from the southside which explains why we don't know her"

"Holy shit Ronnie. I didn't think the world could be this small" Cheryl said while filling their wine glasses.

"that's not the only thing about her though"

"What more can there be" Cheryl questioned her best friend

"well I'm not sure how you're going to react to this but, she's a serpent. She told me that she's not an active member of the gang anymore but the serpents will always be her family. after she told me that she said that she understood if i didn't want the job anymore but she didn't want to hide it from me"

"i'm speechless"

"I know it's a lot Cheryl but I really do need a job and she was really nice. if she hadn't told me that she was a serpent i would've never guessed that she was a gang member"

"you should still take the job. You really do need one. i've managed to leave my life in Riverdale behind and am a completely different person now maybe she has too. And this is your chance to do so as well" Cheryl said to her roommate hoping that everything would turn out for the best.

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