A m b e r ➸ Part 3

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Yep, stretching it out to 4 parts, even if I don't know how I feel about this part.


The rang singling the end of the school day. Nagisa watched as the last of his students filtered out the door, giving them a little wave. With a heavy sigh he plopped down at as desk and began to sort through his papers.

There was a small knock at the door that drew Nagisa away from his work, and he couldn't believe who he saw standing in the doorway.

"Kaji-san," he said, with a relieved smile stretching across his face. He rose from his seat, making his way over to his old friend and they embraced in a hug.

"I can't tell you how happy I am to see a familiar face," Kaji said, her voice was barely above a whisper.

Nagisa sat himself back down at his desk and Kaji pulled up a chair next to him.

"You don't look too bad for being gone so many years." Nagisa joked.

"Does Karma-"

"No, he doesn't know I'm back yet," Kaji cut Nagisa off, she sounded a bit uneasy.

Nagisa leaned back in his seat a little bit. "So," he said, "how long have you been back?"

There was a short pause before an answer, "a little over a week."

"Really?" Nagisa replied, sounded a bit surprised, "have you even seen him?" Kaji shook her head, "Surly you two still talk, how is he?"

"Rather fine," Nagisa said, he looked to be searching his mind for the correct wording. "Yeah, pretty fine."

Kaji smiled, "Good, I have seen Asahi though," her words sounded heavy. "He looks so much like Karma, but-"

"More frail," Nagisa finished. "I'll have you know he's not exactly like him, luckily."

"Good," Kaji said with a small laugh. This set her mind at ease, but just slightly, her anxious thoughts still crowded her mind.

"He actually visited me the other day, Asahi." Nagisa said, "he came to ask me about you."

Kaji felt her heart skip a slight beat, she gazed up at Nagisa with a sort of longing look in her icy eyes. "What- what was he asking."

"He wanted to know what kind of person you were, I know he looked a bit concerned at first, I assume Karma finally told him why you had to leave and he probably figured out which character you were in those books." Kaji felt her chest tightened up.

"I do hope you told him good things," Kaji said, trying her best to lighten her own mood. Nagisa chuckled a bit "What else could I have told him?

"He definitely looked relieved when he left, and he even looked a bit proud."

Kaji's voice was quite when she spoke, "He probably thought I was some kind of monster." She lowered her gaze away from her friend.

"But Kaji-san, your not a monster, you are a wonderful person, and he knows that." Kaji felt herself smile a little, "Thank you," she mumbled. 

"When are you going to go see them?" Nagisa asked.

"Soon," was all Kaji could get out. She wasn't too sure, she knew how much she wanted to see there faces but she also worried what she would see in their faces when they saw her.

"I hope so," Nagisa said, "because Karma misses you dearly."

Kaji rose from her seat, "I won't keep you from your work any longer," she said, slowly making her way to the door. "It's very good to see you again, and thank you." Kaji and Nagisa flashed each other a smile and a small wave before Kaji disappeared through the door.

Scarlet Wolf ➸ Assassination Classroom Fanfic { COMPLETED }Where stories live. Discover now