C h a p t e r ➸ 18

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Kaji found herself thinking long and hard about Korosensei's words. She just brushed them off before, but she thinks they hold a deeper meaning now. Did he really mean the time that Kaji had spent with class-E?

Everyone in class-E were the first people who ever treated Kaji like, and equal. All her life, she's ether been hated, or just a monsteras tool. No matter what Kaji ever did, she knew that would always haunt her. Even so, this was different. She just felt like it was for some reason.

Kaji made herself take a deep breath, picking up her pace. She wanted to get to school early today to talk to Korosensei. Without having any interruptions along the way.

Kaji felt relieved when she saw the old school building. Even though she has great speed, stamina is one thing she dose not have at all.

Kaji's footsteps sounded through the almost empty building. She was at lest happy that she was the very first one here.

"Korosensei...?" Kaji pocked her head around to the teachers room. Kaji felt her feet leap off of the ground for a split second. She wasn't really expecting to see Korosensei stuffed into a small box.

"Ah!" Korosensei's gaze rested on Kaji, who was still staring at him like he was some idiot. Which he was most of the time.

Kaji shook her head and walked inside, staring down at the boxes Korosensei. "Korosensei," Kaji started. "I didn't give you my career choice yesterday." Kaji reached into her pocket and pulled out one of the rubber knifes and brought it down where Korosensei was stuck in his box. However, the blade had met with the wooden table with Korosensei sitting right beside it. How can he even move like that?

Korosensei popped out of the container and stared down at Kaji. Waiting for her answer. Kaji found herself swallowing hard before she spoke.

"I-," Kaji took another breath before she continued, "I want to continue on being an assassin." Kaji was searching for some sort of reaction from Korosensei, but he hasn't wavered.

"But," Kaji continued, "I don't want to kill innocent people. Like I've done before." Kaji lowered her head, "I believe that there are people who taint the world, and if I can get rid of them, things might be, better." Kaji kept her head lowered, not wanting to see what Korosensei was thinking now.

"If that's what you want." Kaji's head shot up Korosensei's response. That was the last thing she would expect. "But-," Kaji quickly closed her mouth. She had no idea why she would argue about something as simple as that.

Kaji took another deep breath, she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She just counts figure out why. Was she nervous? She has no idea why she would be.

"Also," Kaji's head dropped to the floor once more. "I've been told that I have a talent for drawing. So, I-I want to create a manga." Kaji hated herself for stuttering. "Of all that has happened this year." Kaji raised her head to stare up at Korosensei once again, he again hasn't wavered. "Don't you think that would make a good story?" Kaji almost mumbled the last part.

It took a moment for Korosensei's reaction. "Dose that mean I would be a main character of a manga?!?!?!" Kaji frowned, but it was more annoyed than upset. She should of expected that reaction.

Korosensei quickly fixed himself from his overjoyed state. If you wish to call it that. "Now," he said, "have you decided on a high school?" Kaji was hesitant to answer that. She hummed between her lips, trying to figure out how she would word it.

"I was thinking about going to a German school," she said, lowering her voice ever so slightly as she spoke. "Plus they have great university's," Kaji added quickly, she really had no idea why she did.

A light hum admitted from Korosensei. "Studying overseas," he said. His smile stretched wider across his face. "That is if you can kill me first," he said with a laugh. Kaji smiled slightly, "don't worry," she said, "I'll make sure and kill you."

Kaji bowed to Korosensei and tuned to leave the teachers room. Her eyes shot straight down the hall as she heard hurried footsteps down the wooden floor. She only just missed someone disappearing from the hallway. Had someone been listening? Kaji felt herself shiver, she didn't have a good feeling about someone listening to her conversation. But it's not like she could do anything about it now. Kaji just hoped that what this person had herd, that they would keep it to themselves.


Kaji did feel better for the rest of the day. She felt like she had gotten a little more off her chest to worry about. And the thing about her being only half human, Kaji is getting better at keeping those thoughts locked away deep inside of her. It still bothered her, but something about talking with Karma that day had helped her to discarded those feelings.

It was now the end of the day, with the sunset sky glowing bright scarlet and orange in the sky.

Kaji stretched her arms high above her head, groaning as she did. Even if she had some of her worries off of her chest, a new one lingered there. Dose she really want to go back to Germany? Leave everything she has grown fond of and return to the land that caused her so much pain?

Kaji shook her head, she didn't feel like debating with herself right now.

"Kaji-chan." Kaji felt herself jump at the sudden voice, right beside her. She had been so deep in her thoughts that she hadn't even noticed Karma sneaking up on her. And now that she thought about it, this was the first time today that Karma had spoken to her.

"Ja," Kaji answered quickly cursing under her breath at her German tongue escaping. Karma's smirk grew a tad bit wider seeing how Kaji had reacted.

"The finally exams are coming up soon," Karma said. Kaji just simply nodded, not knowing if he was looking for some sort of reaction from her.

"Could you come over to study?"

"Why?" Kaji answered quickly.

"I could see you needing more help in math," Karma said. "Plus," he added, "I want to learn some more German from you." Kaji thought for a moment, she had some sort of feeling that Karma was after something. Even so, what could go wrong?

"Sure," Kaji said in a low tone. Kaji felt him grab her wrist and pull her along. He was in a hurry for something, almost dragging her along.

"Well lets go then," he sounded a little uninterested. Kaji couldn't help but wonder what was going through his mind. Just what did he have planned?


I feel like I did a good job at making Kaji a balanced character, but, is she an interesting character? If you've made it this far then....?
And I kind of want to do something special for the 20th chapter but I have no idea.

Scarlet Wolf ➸ Assassination Classroom Fanfic { COMPLETED }Where stories live. Discover now