C h a p t e r ➸ 17

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This dream was, strange. Unlike any other Kaji had ever seen before. And she knew that she was dreaming.

Kaji stood in a light blanket of snow, still in her school uniform, which she had fallen asleep in. Snowflakes danced around in the air, making it hard to see. However, there was a single figure that stood out from the white snow. One that was blood red.

The snow almost seemed to part, making the red figure more visible. It looked like a wolf. A blood red wolf. Why would she be dreaming of something like this?

Kaji could feel something pulling her to to wolf, calling her. Like she could figure everything out if she could only reach the wolf. Kaji was a bit hesitant at first, but she wanted answers more than anything. Kaji reached out, like she could simply grasp the beast. A loud sharp growl came from the beast, as it lowered itself to a hunting crouch. In a instant, Kaji felt something cold clasp around her wrist. She only saw it for a second, but she knew exactly what it meant. A dark chain wrapped around her wrist. She still couldn't escape her father's grasp even now.


Kaji was debating on weather or not she should go to school today. She sat with her legs crossed on her bed, stroking the small red cat's back.

She didn't feel as tired as she had before, but that dream had shaken her a bit. She could go early, but she was more likely to run into Karma that way, and Kaji really really didn't want to see him. He was to smart for his own good.

Kaji's gaze drifted over to a clock, she might as well just go now with the chance of being a bit late. Better than just not going at all.

She gave Fortiá another pat before she hopped up to get ready- well just freshen up since she decided to sleep in her uniform.


Kaji had tried her best to push away her thoughts, but that was easier said then done. Kaji was surprised that she was able to get most of her work done today. She had even gone after Karasuma more during practice today. Not even realizing it till the rubber knife was smushed against his neck. Not only that, but Kaji could feel Korosensei eyeing her all day long.

Kaji just really wanted this day to be over with. So she can go home and be able to roll in her troubling thoughts.

Kaji felt like this day had gone on for ages. She felt thankful when they will all dismissed and they were free to go home. She felt a sense of relief when she could just stare up and the sunset painted sky. She just stood there, staring up at the sky.

"Kaji-chan." That was the first time Karma had talked to her that day. Kaji had been glade about not having to deal with him all day, but now, she really just felt her tense muscles relax.

Kaji didn't even say anything as she gazed back to met his amber eyes. She never thought that she would see concern flickering in Karma's amber orbs.

"You seem troubled, you okay?" He seemed like he was trying to hide his worry behind his cocky voice. He wasn't doing a good job at that.

"Yes," Kaji lied. It tasted bitter, telling a lie. It just seemed to cling to her tongue.

"Sure," he sounded more playful now, like he always sounded. Kaji quickly spun on her heels as she noticed him taking a few steps towards her. She didn't want to talk to Karma anymore. She could see herself just spilling everything out to him. She has no idea why, but she just could.

But he didn't let up, Karma just kept close on Kaji's heels. Kaji had almost forgotten that they pretty much take the same path heading home.

"Kaji-chan," Karma had moved up to where he was walking right next to the red haired assassin now. Kaji felt like she should just go ahead and answer him this time. "Yes," she replied in a low tone. "It's not good to lie," Karma sounded like he was just messing with her now. With his mocking tone showing through his words.

Scarlet Wolf ➸ Assassination Classroom Fanfic { COMPLETED }Where stories live. Discover now