E p i l o g u e

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It may be the epilogue but FEAR NOT. I plan on writing a little short story after this! It will only be maybe 2 or 3 parts but I will do it!
I was going to save my little sappy speech till after I finish the extra parts but I really don't know when exactly that will be so I'll go ahead.
It's probably a little less than 2 years ago when I started this book? And I can't help but feel pride for carrying through and actually finishing it, and the fact that people are actually reading it and enjoying makes me even more proud. I will say thank you to everyone who has read this book and who have gotten this far, and of course to those who would have to wait forever for my lazy ass to update. That is probably all I have to say about that. I did enjoy writing this book, and I know I have a few ideas for another project. Not all of them are anime related since I have kind of drifted off from it but we'll really just have to wait and see what happens. So again, thank you and I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!!


It had been around 8 years since Korosensei's death, and the class of class-E had moved on very well in their own life's.

Throughout the rest of their high school life Kaji and Karma stayed together. Even now Kaji questions how she put up with Karma's snarky remarks. And even after graduating high school they even live together.

It was a cold winter night with snowflakes dancing through the air, Kaji and Karma walked together side by side through a lonely park. Karma seemed very tense. In fact, he had been skittish just about all day, and Kaji had spent most of the day trying to figure out exactly why.

"How are your classes going?" Karma asked, she sounded rather nervous. "Good," Kaji replied, since graduating she had decided to take a few writing classes to further boost her skills.

"How's work?" Kaji asked, gazing up at Karma. There was a new glint that shown in her icy eyes. They were no longer cold and dark, but much brighter than before, even though you could still see her snappy personality shining through them.

"About the same," Karma said, shrugging his shoulders, "they're all still a bunch of dicks," he said with a laugh. Kaji found herself giggling as well. Kaji noticed that his hair was still done up from work, with an annoyed huff she reached up and scuffed his hair around before trying to press it down. "I hate how you wear your hair like that." Karma smiled, "it's more professional" he said, enjoying Kaji's annoyed look.

After a few moments passed Kaji spoke up, "you have been very tense all day long, any reason for it?" Karma stopped walking, Kaji turned to face him. His head tilted upward towards a lone streetlight, he looked to be collecting his thoughts.

"What is tense is German?" He asked, not removing his gaze from the light.

"Zeit," Kaji said, puzzled by his question.

"Zeit," Karma repeated.

Karma removed his gaze from the light and turned to Kaji. His amber eyes shown bright with a determination. He reached forward and grasped Kaji's hands, even through his gloves she could feel how tense he was.

"I may not know exactly what all happened to you before we meet but I do know what happened after." His eyes flickered as he searched for his next words. "And I have done my best to keep my promise to you, to help you give up your old ways, and," there was a slight pause, "to make a better future for you." There was a light like of red that spread across his cheeks. "And I feel like your answer will say if I have succeeded with that task."

What Karma did next caught Kaji off guard, and she wasn't entirely sure how to react. Karma reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, and as he did so he got down on one knee. He gazed up at Kaji and opened the box which contained a ring inside. The small stone that laid inside of the ring looked nearly identical to the stone she had given him years ago.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Kaji-chan."

Kaji felt her heart stop, she was in such awe that she had no clue how to react. And then, all at once, Kaji began to cry.

She had no idea why she was crying, and she knew she couldn't make her tears stop. Kaji covered her face with her hands, just sobbing. Startled, Karma rose from the ground, trying to find a way to comfort her.

While he looked for a way to help Kaji she started nodding her head. "Yes," she said in between her sobs. "Ja, ich werde dich heiraten Sie Hündin (Yes I'll marry you, you bitch)." Kaji wrapped her arms around Karma, burying her face into his chest.

A soft smile crept across Karma's face. He wrapped his arms around his new fiancée, resting his head on top of her's.

"Thank you."


Scarlet Wolf ➸ Assassination Classroom Fanfic { COMPLETED }Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang