A m b e r ➸ Part 1

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There will probably be at least 3 parts to this, possibly 4. Depending on how I decide to pace it.
I'm so nice.


It was the middle of the night when Karma drifted awake from his deep sleep. He shifted around and noticed that his wife was missing from her side of the bed, he assumed that their newborn son, Asahi , and woken up and she had gone to comfort him. Between his work and Asahi, Karma took any chance he could to rest.

Karma shifted back and forth for quite some time, unable to get comfortable. It had also been quite some time and Kaji has yet to show herself.

Karma flopped over and found himself staring at the empty space next to him. She probably couldn't sleep and is just reading downstairs, or perhaps it is taking longer to comfort Asahi than normal. Either way, Karma wishes she would return soon.

Karma had apparently drifted back to sleep because he was woken up by the sound of his phone ringing. He sat up and stretched a bit, looking over to see that Kaji's side of the bed was still empty. He reached for his phone, praying that it wasn't work, but was startled to see that it was Kaji's name appearing on the phone. Karma felt something inside of him twitch.

Karma hesitantly answered the call.

"Karma?" Kaji's voice sounded through the phone. She sounds upset.

"Kaji-chan, is something wrong?" Karma said, "where are you?"

There was a rather long pause before Kaji spoke once again. "I-I'm sorry," Kaji's voice sounded shaky.

Karma was hesitant to speak, "Sorry for what, exactly?"

"I'm sorry for leaving you and Asahi." Karma felt his heart drop.

"Kaji-" Karma couldn't hide the worry in his voice.

"I am so sorry, Karma." There was a very short pause. "You have done nothing wrong, and I-I don't want to go."


"And I know you'll be a great father to Asahi."


"I love you, and goodbye."

There was a beep and the call ended.

In a daze, Karma found himself dialing back Kaji's number multiple times, but each time it was in vain. And he just sat there, in shock, unsure of what to do next. She was gone, he had no idea why or where she was going. But she was gone. He felt his eyes beginning to water. Karma threw off the covers and made his way down the hallway, his vision being slightly blurry from conjuring tears.

Karma crept into Asahi's room where he was still asleep in his crib. He made his was over and just stared down at the small child. Hundreds of thoughts raced through his head, but they all revolved around the same thing. What was he going to do? And then, all at once, Karma began to cry.


Kaji was in a blood boiling rage as she hung up the phone. It took everything in her not to scream out in anger. Her heart suddenly sank as her new reality set in. After all of these years she really believed that she had left her family name behind, but that call says otherwise.

Why now? Out of all the times this could of happened? After the birth of her son, after finally being able to cut ties with her old ways. Why does it have to be now?

But, she had no other choice, she really didn't. From what they had told her, she couldn't risk her new families lives. They have done nothing and don't deserve to be dragged into Kaji's family drama.

But it hurt, it hurt Kaji so much. She found herself gazing around the dark room she stood in, her eyes landing on a collection of pictures. As she glazed over them her eyes landed on the last picture, one of Asahi, and she could feel her eyes beginning to water. Kaji took a deep breath and quickly turned away, not wanting to cry just yet.

She was able to find a light bag and grabbed only a few things. A book full of her drawings and story ideas, and a few pieces of clothing she could grab without going into the bedroom.

Kaji crept up stairs and peeked into the bedroom. She saw Karma still asleep, with his back towards her. She wished she could tell him in person, but she knew she couldn't. He had helped her so much throughout the years. With a heavy heart, Kaji turned and made her way down the hallway.

She crept into Asahi's room and gazed down at the small sleeping child. She reached down and ran her fingers lightly through his strands of red hair. He squirmed around for a moment before he opened his eyes. They were a pretty amber, just like his father's.

Kaji quickly picked him up and started to cradle him, hoping that he wouldn't wake Karma up.

As Kaji swayed back and forth she began to tear up again. When Asahi had fallen asleep once again she gentle placed him back into his crib. She quietly backed out of the room, keeping her eyes on her child as long as she could.

Kaji make her way back through the house heading for the door, but she stoped at the collection of photos. With a quick glance over them she grabbed one and removed the picture from it. It was a picture of all three of them, it was the day they had brought Asahi home, and she wanted to take at least it with her.

As Kaji locked the door to the house she finally broke. Tears streamed down her face as she turned and slowly made her way out into the dark night.

Scarlet Wolf ➸ Assassination Classroom Fanfic { COMPLETED }Where stories live. Discover now