C h a p t e r ➸ 33

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Well it's been a while since I've updated. Sorry about that. My inspiration is on and off. And this may be very short but I have my reasons for it. So enjoy.


Kaji was rather surprised by the strange feeling she got late one night, when the government had finally moved in to kill Korosensei themselves, and apparently the rest of class-E had felt it as well.

She was rather frustrated by the overuse of guards around the mountain, and the incredibly annoying reporters. Kaji could feel her blood boil hearing all the lies they were telling about Korosensei and now she just felt useless sitting in a white room with nothing to do. However, the student of class-E had other plans than just sitting in some room.

With the help of Bitch-sensei, Class-E was able to escape and moved to scale up the mountain to save Korosensei.

Kaji could feel every nerve in her body on high alert. Every little noise she heard she flinched, and she hated. Over the course of a single year she had grown soft. But, isn't that what she wants? To get rid of her old ways? But at this time and moment isn't it what she needs most? Kaji soon found herself just staring off into the dark forest in front of her, as if it would give her an answer.

Kaji felt something grab her shoulder, in an instant of fear she whipped around, arming her blade. She quickly put it down seeing Karma's amber eyes staring her down, she felt embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry," Kajj stuttered as she put her blade away, she lowered her gaze. "Nervous?" Karma said softly, Kaji could hear a bit of amusement in his voice. Kaji took a second to answer, "that's one word to describe this."

A moment of silence passed between them.

"This will be over soon," Karma sounded unsure of his own words. He reached over and grasped Kaji's hand. "Then you'll never have to pick up a sword again." Kaji smiled. She gazed up and saw it, the chain of the necklace hiding under his clothes. Kaji looked Karma in the eyes, and gave him a smile.

Scarlet Wolf ➸ Assassination Classroom Fanfic { COMPLETED }Where stories live. Discover now