C h a p t e r ➸ 21

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Ah yes I know it's quite short but I'm just happy to get something. I've been in a writers block for probably a month or something so I'm just happy that my inspiration is back! On another note, this book is up to 15k reads! I honestly don't see how that happened but thank you so much! So I'll stop talking so you can read this short chapter.....


Kayano. Kaede Kayano. She truly was a frightful sight. Driven mad with power and bloodlust. Kaji was surprised that her eyeballs didn't melt out of her sockets. Kayano's, Kayano's eyes. Kaji just couldn't believe her eyes. She was surprised that Kayano had been able to hide her bloodlust for so long, and she had spent a bit of time around Kaji, but she never sensed a drop of this bloodlust. Kaji didn't realize later on that Kayano had grown close to Nagisa, most likely using his bloodlust to cover up her own.

Not only that but the fact that she was able to bear all that pain. It was almost brilliant how she did it. Brilliant to Kaji at least. Kayano bared all that pain just to try and kill Korosensei. All to avenge her sister. That is what really got to Kaji. The fact that Kayano had done all of this for someone she loved.

Korosensei had done the same thing. He's this all powerful monster that really could destroy the earth, and here he is teaching a class full of misfits.

Kaji couldn't entirely understand it, so of course this thought decides to stick to her brain for a while. She found herself glued to a single word, love. She just couldn't get the meaning of it. After all she's read, she couldn't find it. She had never felt love, at lest she thinks that. Parents are supposed to love their children, but Kaji's father didn't show any signs of that.

With all of this running around in Kaji's mind that question came.

Kill or save Korosensei.

As if Kaji's mind wasn't boggled enough. The rest of the class seemed to think the same way. Nagisa had been the one to offer the thought of trying to save Korosensei, which seemed to stir the class. Kaji wouldn't be surprised if some wanted to save Korosensei, well it was probably more than a few, but then again. Seeing Karma quarrel with Nagisa gave Kaji a thought. Agreeing on something like this won't be easy.

Then the idea popped in. A classroom war. Blue for save and red for kill. Karma and Nagisa were the first to chose, that and they acted rather cross towards each other. Weren't they supposed to be friends?

Kaji watched as everyone chose their sides, so far it seemed to be split pretty evenly. Kaji soon noticed that it was her choice, she had already made up her mind but she still had doubts, even so.

Kaji strolled forward and snatched up the red paint. "I was given the mission to kill Korosensei, and I intend to fulfill that mission," Kaji was mostly speaking for her own benefit, just wanting to hear these words out of her mouth.

Scarlet Wolf ➸ Assassination Classroom Fanfic { COMPLETED }Where stories live. Discover now