C h a p t e r ➸ 19

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"These problems are too simple," Kaji mumbled under her breath. Hoping that Karma didn't hear her, she wouldn't doubt it if he did. Kaji could feel his amber eyes glued on to, but whenever she tries to catch him in the act he turns away. It was starting to get annoying. Karma had also given her very easy problems to do, which was unusual for him. The last time he had helped her study, he gave her very difficult problems. It was more obvious now, Karma was after something.

Kaji narrowed her eyes as she peered over her paper. At lest now Karma's gaze was at the paper that she has given him. She wondered if he was even working on the problem in front of him.

Kaji snatched the paper from Karma, staring down at the paper. She had given him an easy task, just categorize the words she had written down into there female, male, or neutral. She had given him easy words too, but the paper was completely blank.

Kaji sighed loudly, tossing both of the papers out in front of her. Almost right at Karma's feet. That was another thing, Karma was sitting pretty close to her. Kaji rested her head in her hand and narrowed her icy eyes up at Karma. "Those problems were very easy and you haven't written a single thing down," she said. "What are you after." There was a silence following, Kaji couldn't read the atmosphere around her and Karma hadn't moved yet. Kaji thought she had gotten better at reading Karma, but still.

Karma smiled slightly, this surprised Kaji. "I herd your conversation with Korosensei this morning." Kaji flinched. Karma was the last person she wanted to hear that conversation.

"What bothered me the most," Karma took a breath before carrying on. "What you said about killing innocent people." Every muscle in Kaji's body was tense, she tried her best to hide it, this worried feeling, but she was sure that it was reflecting in her eyes.

"It bothered me all day." That was hard for Kaji to imagine. "So I thought that I should just get the answers from you myself then just pondering over it." Kaji felt herself flinch once again. Not only that but she noticed Karma inch closer to her.

"Why should I tell you?" Kaji found herself saying, her icy eyes locked onto the floor. Karma didn't answer right away, instead, Kaji watched as he inched closer and closer to her. Before she knew it, Karma had to only be a few inches away from her. She could faintly feel his breath against her skin. It was very warm.

Karma chuckled slightly, "I'll get you to tell me," he said. "Eventually."

Kaji kept her eyes glued to the floor. She could feel Karma's amber gaze burning her hair. She wouldn't be surprised if he had started counting every single strand of hair on her head. She felt like they were just sitting in silence for ages.

"Why do you want to know?" Kaji mumbled.

"Curiosity, I guess," Karma answered.

"Curiosity?" Kaji echoed, her eyes narrowing at the floor, "why me?" Kaji knew that he was waiting for her to met his eyes.

"I have no idea," Karma answered quickly. "I was curious of the new assassin in the class. I guess you could say, I became a little to interested."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Kaji voice was low, barely above a whisper. Kaji was hoping for an answer from Karma, but he just chuckle.

Kaji finally raised her head, meeting Karma's amber eyes. She wanted to look away, they burned her skin, sending shivers down her spin. But she couldn't.

"Do you really want to know?" Without a word, Karma nodded slowly.

Kaji took a deep breath before she spoke. "My father was the leader of a powerful German mafia. I never knew my mother, I was told that she died after I was born." Kaji's icy eyes narrowed, "my life was a living hell.

"My father raised me to do one thing. Kill. If he said to kill someone, I did. No matter who it was." Kaji swallowed hard, wondering if she should go on. Well if she was just going to spill everything, she might as well. She rolled up her sleeve as far as she could up her arm, reviling scars that traced her arm. Kaji felt a bit relieved when Karma tore his amber gaze from her eyes to her scared arm.

"All these scars are prof of all that I went through," Kaji paused for a single moment. "Most of my scars are from my father himself."

Kaji watched as Karma reached for her arm, he seemed hesitant. She pushed her arm forward a bit, at this point, Kaji really didn't care. Karma traced one of her scars, so lightly, like if he wasn't careful he would open the wound back up.

"I-" Kaji was hesitant, but she forced herself onward. "I was his puppet. His Little Wolf." Kaji quickly covered her arm back up, once Karma had finished tracing what scars he could.

Kaji was surprised at herself when she chuckled. "Have you ever seen a mafia movie?" She asked. Karma didn't answer, Kaji could just see the look reflecting in his eyes, that he just wanted to know.

"It's kind of funny now that I think about it."

It's not at all.

"That I've lived a life just like that." Kaji lowered her head once more. "Damnit," she cursed under her breath. "I still can't believe that I'm telling you all of this."

"Who else would you have told?" Kaji was shocked at Karma's words. She wasn't expecting a response like that. But she didn't look up. She didn't want to.

"And I find it, interesting," Kaji heard Karma chuckle lightly, like he was trying to lighten up the mood in some way.

"And," he's hesitant. "I wish I could tell you it'll be alright." Where was he getting to? Kaji could tell her muscles tightening and her fits clenched.

"Are you scared?"

"Nein!" Kaji's head shot up, she wished she hadn't looked up. She didn't want to look into his eyes. She had made that mistake.

"I-I don't want to be weak," Kaji could hear her own fear in her voice. She hated. She hated feeling weak. Especially in front of Karma. She had made the mistake of letting him push on. She should of just left, and she could of avoided this whole situation. Or she just couldn't of come all together. However, she couldn't go back now, no matter how much she wanted to.

Kaji felt her whole body jump when Karma broke into laughter. Why would he be laughing?

"You're the last person I would expect to say that." Kaji was confused. What did he mean by that?

"W-what?" Kaji mumbled, cursing herself for stuttering.

Karma's laughter died off, "You admitted that you're weak." Kaji hadn't notched it till Karma had said it. She flinched. "R-really?" Kaji found herself mumbling.

No words were spoken for quite sometime. The silence was broken when Kaji started to shift around. She took a deep breath and finally rose to her feet. Kaji was surprised that her feet didn't fall out from under her.

"I'm afraid that I need to go now," Kaji tried to keep her voice bold and crisp, but anyone could hear the cracking in her words and how quickly she spoke, as if she was in a hurry.

Kaji made the mistake of taking another last glance at Karma, meeting his amber eyes once again. He didn't say anything, but the look reflecting in his eyes told everything.

Maybe he was easier to read than Kaji had thought.

Scarlet Wolf ➸ Assassination Classroom Fanfic { COMPLETED }Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum