C h a p t e r ➸ 35

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I won't lie, I was kind of tempted to wait for like a month to post this just to be mean. But I'm not that cold hearted. I'm also rather proud of this chapter and I hope you enjoy it.


When Kaji opened her eyes all she saw was white. She felt stiff as she tried to force herself up. She was puzzled by the shallow water that she laid in, for she was not wet, and as she looked around that seemed to be all that was here. A shallow pool as far as the eye could see.

She instantly looked down at the chest, like she expected to see a hole or something. But there was nothing, she was completely fine. Puzzled, Kaji found herself tracing her arms, she could still feel, and the air smelled salty. So what the hell was happening?

"How interesting."

Kaji felt her muscles tense at the sound of the voice. The voice was smooth as silk, and seemed to carry through the endless place.

Kaji looked around for the owner of the voice and saw the scarlet colored wolf laying only a few feet away from her. She turned to face the wolf, keeping her eyes glued to its scarlet head.

The wolf lifted its head, "are you frightened? Or are you just being cautious. I would assume you're being cautious since you've always been like that." The wolf spoke very calmly, with a confidence in its tone.

"Oh," the wolf shifted, "you look confused. Allow me to introduce myself. I am what is known as the Scarlet Wolf, you may call me Scarlet if you wish. I live in other's souls and will sometimes help them out, depending on who they are. I pass down to my previous vessel's child of I find that the child is strong enough for my power. If not, I go to find another. Each vessel I live in gets hair the color of my fur. And I passed down to you from your mother, and I must say, you are one of the most intreating vessel I've had."

Kaji was having a hard time processing all of this, but she did know one thing she wished to know. "Are you here to help me? Or are you an enemy?"

Scarlet took a moment to answer, scanning Kaji with it's one icy eye. "If I was your enemy would I have let you have control?" Kaji's thoughts instantly went back to her own incident with Yanagisawa. She opened her mouth to speak of it but quickly closed it. She found herself staring into Scarlet's single icy eye. There was this reassuring feeling that went through her as she stared into, like she could trust this beast.

Kaji gazed around once again, staring off into the blue abyss. "Am I dead?" The words caught in Kaji's throat. Would she just be stuck with the wolf forever?

Scarlet took a moment to answer, then turned it's head upwards. "Pretty much," it said. Kaji lowered her head. She felt her heart hurt, she had said she would happily die for Korosensei, but it also hurt. Thinking about her classmates that she had left.

"But," the wolf's words rang through Kaji's head. "It seems your friends won't let you die." Scarlet heaved itself up from the shallow water. Seeing it stand on all fours, this was a huge and powerful wolf. "We probably only have a little bit longer together." The wolf started to walk towards her, Kaji didn't move, she just watched the wolf draw closer to her.

"Before that," Scarlet now stood right in front of Kaji. "I must say that you are the most interesting vessel I've had." It's eyes were soft as it stared down at Kaji. "I have lived with thousands of people over thousands of years, and I had always cared for each and every person. Especially you. I have watched you grow into this person you are now, and I am impressed. I never would of thought that these people would thaw your cold, cold heart. I will say you are one of the lucky ones, finding people like your friends." Scarlet paused and set it's head atop Kaji's head. "You have grown so much, and," there was a pause, "you are so much like your mother."

And then, everything disappeared.

Scarlet Wolf ➸ Assassination Classroom Fanfic { COMPLETED }Where stories live. Discover now